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                    :The Reflections:

Vinnie walks up to the open window of her room with a photo frame in her hand. Light shades of dusk coloured the skies, the chirps of the birds echoed to her ears but her eyes didn't moved a bit from the image.

She cupped the picture with her thumb as drops of tears fall upon it

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She cupped the picture with her thumb as drops of tears fall upon it. She hugged it tightly, and sobbed hard.
The picture had a well- dressed man of late forties with royalty clearly visible in  him. His face contained the charm of soberness and honesty. No doubt he could be identified as a pure-hearted gentle man by the picture.

     "It's been ten years four months and fifteen days I have spent without you, BABA! Why did you leave me Baba, why did you leave me?? The world has shown me its true colours in these ten years. They call me a Thief,Baba! They made me a Thief!"
Her voice breaks and tears roll down her cheeks slowly as she continued to speak hiccuping hard.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulder.
Reeva came close to her and wiped her tears off her cheeks. She looked at the picture and her eyes also turned wet.

"My mother promised to pamper Princess for the rest of our life. But I failed to keep her promise. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!!" Reeva bows down in front of the picture respectfully.

Vinnie turns around and wraps her arms around her tightly with her tears falling down uncontrollably from their eyes. Reeva also cried in her friend's warm embrace.

 Reeva also cried in her friend's warm embrace

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Vinnie: You're a true companion Reev. I would have died if you wouldn't have stayed by my side that day. 
Reeva: Yeah, I know. You should be grateful to me. You have to pay me back.

She breaks the hug and wiped her tears.
Vinnie(shockingly): How shall I do it??
Reeva: By acquiring your throne, your title, your Crown back. By possessing your kingdom back!!
She plants the seeds of determination in Vinnie's mind. Vinnie nods and wiped her tears off her face and kissed the picture of her late father.

But the duo gets disturbed by the chaotic presence of their five children who almost crashed into their room screaming.

Cheeku: Vinnie Didiiiiii!!!!

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