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Despite being named after her great-grandmother, Queen Alyssanne, known as "Good Queen Alyssanne," Alyssanne did not embody the same qualities or reputation. She was different from her namesake in many aspects, lacking the same virtues and characteristics that earned her ancestor such acclaim. Alyssanne's tragic circumstances deprived her of the chance to know her mother, Aemma, who perished during childbirth along with Alyssanne's twin brother, Baelon, leaving Alyssanne with no memories of them. Baelon's brief existence left little for Alyssanne to know or remember about her twin brother.

Despite the absence of her biological mother, Alyssanne found solace and maternal love in her stepmother, Alicent, who embraced her as her flesh and blood, nurturing and caring for her with the same tenderness she showed her biological children. The Targaryens were known for their tradition of incestuous marriages to maintain the purity of their bloodline, and rumors swirled among their household that Alyssanne harbored romantic feelings for her younger brother, Aegon, and vice versa.

Alyssanne sat with her younger sister, Halaena, and their mother, engaged in a quiet moment together. "Look at this, sister," Halaena exclaimed, displaying a centipede, her fondness for bugs evident. Suddenly, a Kingsguard forcefully brings Aemond into the room, addressing Alicent with deference, "Your Grace." Alicent's gaze fixes upon Aemond, her tone tinged with concern and inquiry, "Aemond, what have you done?" Helaena interjects, her voice betraying a mixture of frustration and resignation, "He did it again," subtly alluding to Aemond's obsession with claiming a dragon as his own.

Alicent directs a stern admonition towards Aemond, her voice tinged with disappointment, "After how many times you've been warned, must I have you confined to your chambers?" Aemond responds with defiance, his voice tinged with frustration, "They made me do it!" Alyssanne's curiosity prompts her to inquire, "Who?" "Aegon, Jacaerys, and Lucerys," Aemond replies, mentioning the names of Rhaenyra's sons, who were acknowledged bastards of Harwin Strong. Alicent addresses Aemond with a mixture of exasperation and concern, "Your obsession with those beasts goes beyond understanding."

Aemond's frustration bubbles forth as he exclaims, "They gave me a pig!" Alyssanne reacts with empathy, enveloping him in a comforting hug. "You'll get a dragon one day. Believe in yourself," she reassures him, offering a glimmer of hope amidst his disappointment. Aemond, overcome with emotion, returns his sister's embrace, tears streaming down his face. In a murmur, Halaena remarks, "He'll have to close an eye," hinting at a future where Aemond may need to make sacrifices or compromises to achieve his desires. Aemond, still gripped by emotion, chokes out his words between sobs, "They said they had found a dragon for me... but it was a pig." His heartache is palpable, and the disappointment of shattered expectations weighs heavily upon him. "Do you want me to talk to Aegon?" Alyssanne offers, her voice filled with compassion. "Yes," Aemond responds, his voice laden with longing for resolution.

"My sweet younger brother," Alyssanne whispers tenderly, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head. Alyssanne's affection for Aemond shines through as she recalls her role as his protector, a duty she also extends to their youngest sibling, Daeron. "Will you leave me, sister?" Aemond's voice quivers with vulnerability. "Never," Alyssanne reassures him, her words carrying the weight of unwavering commitment and love.

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