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Alyssanne awakens the following morning, perplexed as to why she dreamt about her wedding night. As Alyssanne opened her eyes, she found Aegon seated on the edge of the bed, gazing out of the window. Sensing his preoccupation, she sat up and inquired, "What's troubling you?" while soothingly caressing her pregnant belly. 

"Father passed away," Aegon revealed solemnly. "Mother informed me that it was his dying wish for me to ascend to the throne as the King of the Seven Kingdoms." 

"That's hard to believe," Alyssanne expressed, her voice filled with disbelief. "He always advocated for Rhaenyra to take the throne."

"I understand, but it's a lot to take in," Aegon remarked, his tone somber yet resolute. "But we must fulfill his wishes. You as my Queen Regent, and I as King."  

"How's our little one doing? Giving Muña a hard time?" Aegon inquired, planting a gentle kiss on Alyssanne's belly.

"They're not kicking as much as Aerion used to," Alyssanne remarked.

"In just a few days, they'll be out," Aegon remarked optimistically.

"Have you inquired with Mother about the coronation?" Alyssanne inquired.

"No, not yet. But I will soon," Aegon replied. Resting her head on his shoulder, Alyssanne understood that Rhaenyra's claim to the throne would likely face resistance.

"I was just thinking about what lies ahead for us," Alyssanne responds, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"We'll face it together, just like we always have," Aegon gently squeezes her hand.

"I'm concerned about our children—Vaenya, Visenya, Aerion, and the one we're expecting," Alyssanne admits, her tone reflecting her worry.

"I understand your concern for our children, my love," Aegon responds, his tone filled with empathy.

"I fear Rhaenyra may target our children, particularly Vaenya and Visenya," Alyssanne expresses concern. "We'll ensure they're protected, my love. Our family will stay together and strong," Aegon reassures Alyssanne, holding her close.

"We'll do everything in our power to keep them safe, Alyssanne. We won't let anything happen to our children," Aegon says, gently brushing her hair back from her face.

Fire on Fire // Aegon II TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now