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Alyssanne stands beside Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena as their grandfather, Otto Hightower, addresses the court during the hearing regarding the succession of Driftmark. He solemnly announces, "Though we pray for Lord Corlys Velaryon's recovery, we must address the matter of Driftmark's succession in his absence. As Hand of the King, I speak on behalf of His Grace. Let the petitions be heard. Ser Vaemond of House Velaryon."

Rhaenyra casts a glance at Alyssanne, noting her pregnancy, a realization that Alyssanne is also expecting. This revelation strikes Rhaenyra, who herself carries a child.

Vaemond begins, addressing the court, "My Queen. My Lord Hand," he acknowledges Otto and Alicent, "The history of our noble houses extends beyond the Seven Kingdoms to the days of Old Valyria. For as long as House Targaryen has ruled the skies, House Velaryon has ruled the seas. When the Doom fell on Valyria, our houses became the last of their kind. Our forebearers came to this new land, knowing that were they to fail, it would mean the end to their bloodlines and their name. I have spent my entire life on Driftmark defending my brother's seat. I am Lord Corlys's closest kin, his blood. The true, unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins." 

Rhaenyra interjects, "As it does in my sons, the offspring of Laenor Velaryon. If you cared so much about your house's blood, Ser Vaemond, you would not be so bold as to supplant its rightful heir. No, you only speak for yourself and your ambition." 

Alicent intervenes, "You will have a chance to make your petition, Princess Rhaenyra. Do Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard." Alyssanne feels a surge of anger rising within her. Why couldn't anyone see the truth? Her children were bastards. Why were they still supporting Rhaenyra, who had killed Laenor to marry Daemon? Aegon senses her tension and gently intertwines his fingers with hers, whispering, "Stay calm. Everything will be okay."

Vaemond directs his gaze towards Rhaenyra, challenging her with his words, "What do you truly know of Velaryon blood, Princess? Even if I were to spill my blood before you, you wouldn't recognize its significance. This isn't about your house; it's about the future and survival of mine." Aemond's lips curl into a smirk as he leans in to whisper to Alyssanne, "Looks like someone's about to lose their temper. Take a look at Daemon." Alyssanne follows Aemond's gaze and notices Daemon's demeanor growing increasingly agitated.

 Vaemond's gaze shifts to Otto and Alicent as he continues, his tone earnest, "My Queen, my Lord Hand. This is not a matter of ambition but of blood. I stand here to safeguard the survival and continuation of my house and lineage above all else. I respectfully present myself as my brother's rightful successor... the Lord of Driftmark and Lord of the Tides."

"Thank you, Ser Vaemond," Alicent acknowledges before turning her attention to Rhaenyra. "Princess Rhaenyra, you may now present your case for your son, Lucerys Velaryon." 

Rhaenyra starts her address with a note of disdain, asserting her presence amidst what she perceives as a charade. "Should I deign to lend credence to this spectacle, let it be known that almost two decades prior, within these very halls..."

At that moment, the grand doors of the chamber swung open, and a guard announced the arrival of King Viserys of House Targaryen, known as the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the realm. King Viserys strides in, supported by a cane, his countenance obscured by a bronze visage, a visible testament to his physical affliction.

Daemon lends his support to his elder brother Viserys as they make their way toward the imposing Iron Throne. Viserys, addressing Otto, declares his intention, "I shall occupy the throne today." Daemon assists Viserys in settling onto the throne, ensuring his comfort. As Viserys takes his seat, his crown slips, but Daemon quickly retrieves it, delicately placing it back atop his brother's head.

"I must confess my confusion. I fail to comprehend why petitions are being entertained regarding a succession that has already been settled," Viserys articulates with effort, his voice strained. After a moment's pause, he continues, "The individual present who is best equipped to shed light on Lord Corlys's intentions is none other than Princess Rhaenys."

Rhaenys affirms, "Indeed, Your Grace. It has always been my husband's wish for Driftmark to be inherited by Ser Laenor's legitimate son, Lucerys Velaryon. This desire remained the same, as did my support for it. Princess Rhaenyra has just relayed to me her intention to betroth her sons, Jace and Luke, to Lord Corlys's granddaughters, Baela and Rhaena. It's a proposal that I wholeheartedly agree." 

Viserys declares, "Well, the matter seems to be settled once more. I hereby confirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as the rightful heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the future Lord of the Tides."

Vaemond, filled with anger, retorts, "You break the law and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir. Yet you dare to dictate who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon. No. I will not allow it."

Viserys warns, "'Allow it'? Do not forget yourself, Vaemond."

Vaemond shouts, pointing at Luke, "That is no true Velaryon, and certainly no nephew of mine." Alyssanne smirks and gently rubs her pregnant belly. Viserys declares, "Lucerys is my true-born grandson. And you... are no more than the second son of Driftmark."

Vaemond angrily retorts, "You may run your house as you see fit, but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the Doom and a thousand tribulations besides. And gods be damned, I will not see it ended on account of this..." He continues, his voice rising with anger, "Her children are bastards! And she... is... a whore."

Viserys retorts angrily and weakly, "I... will have your tongue for that." 

Suddenly, Vaemond's head rolls onto the ground, severed by Daemon's hand. Alyssanne turns away in disgust, while Aegon instinctively places a protective hand on her belly. Helaena covers her ears in fear, and Aemond swiftly turns her around to shield her from the gruesome sight. Alicent places a comforting hand on Helaena's shoulder. "No need. He can keep his tongue," Daemon declares to Viserys, a smirk playing on his lips.

Otto then shouts, "Seize him! Take his weapon!"

Daemon declares, "No need." as he wipes the blood from his Valyrian sword, Dark Sister, on his sleeve.

Viserys is in pain. Alicent approaches Viserys with concern evident in her voice and demeanor. "Please, my dear. You must take something for the pain," she urges, gesturing towards some form of pain relief.

Viserys refuses, "I will not dull my senses. I must set things straight."

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