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Alyssanne hears her father's voice raised in anger as he addresses Ser Harold Westerling, the Kingsguard. "How could you allow such a thing to happen? I will have answers," Viserys declares sternly, his tone filled with fury and determination to uncover the truth behind Aemond's injury. 

Ser Harold replies with a solemn tone, "The princes were supposed to be abed, My King," acknowledging the breach of protocol that led to the unfortunate incident involving Aemond. Viserys inquires sharply, "Who had the watch?" seeking to identify the individual responsible for neglecting their duty to ensure the safety of the princes.

Ser Criston replies with a grave tone, "The young prince was attacked by his cousins, Your Grace," revealing the shocking truth behind Aemond's injury and adding another layer of complexity to the situation. Alyssanne stands by her mother's side, offering silent support to Aemond as he gets his eye stitched. Viserys's voice echoes through the room as he shouts at the Kingsguard, "You swore oaths to protect my blood!" His words are filled with anger and disappointment, reflecting his frustration at the failure of the sworn protectors to fulfill their duty.

Ser Harold replies somberly, "I'm very sorry, Your Grace. The Kingsguard has never had to defend princes from princes, Your Grace," acknowledging the unprecedented nature of the situation and expressing regret for the failure to anticipate and prevent such an incident. Viserys retorts sharply, "That is no answer!" his frustration is evident as he demands accountability and a resolution to the situation.

Alicent turns to the maester with concern etched on her face, asking, "It will heal, will it not, maester?" Meanwhile, Aemond holds Alyssanne's hand tightly for comfort as the maester removes stitches from his injured eye. The maester replies solemnly, "The flesh will heal. But the eye is lost, Your Grace," delivering the harsh reality of Aemond's injury to the gathered family members.

Alicent turns to Alyssanne and Aegon, expressing concern and suspicion, and asks, "Where were the two of you?" "Us?" Aegon asks in surprise, while Alyssanne steps in to respond, "We were having a walk. I couldn't sleep, nor could he," she explains, offering an honest account of their activities during the time of the incident.

Alicent nods in acknowledgment of Alyssanne's explanation. Suddenly, Lord Corlys Velaryon and his wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, enter the room, with Corlys demanding, "What is the meaning of this?" His question reflects his concern upon witnessing the tense atmosphere and learning of Aemond's injury. Rhaenyra and Daemon enter the room following Corlys and Rhaenys, and Rhaenyra is visibly shocked to see her son, Luke, with his nose broken. "Jace! Luke!" she exclaims, her concern evident as she rushes to her sons' side.

Luke cries as he seeks comfort from his mother, prompting Rhaenyra to demand, "Who did this?" Her question is directed at everyone in the room, seeking answers and accountability for her son's injury. "He attacked me!" Aemond answers defensively, while Jace counters, "He attacked Baela!" accusing Aemond further, "And he broke Luke's nose." The room erupts into a tense exchange as conflicting accounts of the incident emerge.

The children, excluding Alyssanne, Aegon, and Halaena, engage in a heated argument with each other, their voices overlapping as they attempt to defend their respective positions and assign blame for the altercation. Rhaena interjects, her voice filled with accusation, "He stole my mother's dragon! Vhagar was supposed to be mine!" Her accusation adds another layer of complexity to the unfolding conflict, further fueling the tension in the room. 

Viserys interrupts the escalating argument with a firm tone, declaring, "Enough." His command carries authority, signaling a halt to the discord and demanding attention and compliance from those present. Luke interjects with a trembling voice, "He was going to kill Jace!" His words add a sense of urgency and gravity to the situation, suggesting a potential escalation of violence that heightens the tension in the room. Alyssanne speaks up, her voice filled with sorrow and reproach, "You took out his eye, Luke! He has been blinded forever in his left eye!" Her words carry the weight of the consequences of the altercation, highlighting the irreparable harm caused by the conflict. 

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