Chapter Eight

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3rd POV:

On the field, hiori continued to run with the ball, until rin suddenly appeared, stealing the ball away from him.

"-Uh! Huh, rin?!"

After stealing the ball, rin runs with it while ignoring everyone on the field. Isagi tried to communicate with him, but rin only ignored him as he ran to the right field where neru was. Neru went to run at him, but rin nutmegs the ball before running passed him, leaving neru in shock. Rin then went to the right side where darai was. Rin back-heel passes it to isagi. Seeing rin open, isagi passes the ball back to rin who much to darai surprise, gets behind him and traps the ball with the back-heel of his foot. Rin now runs towards kazuma who runs at him aswell. Rin puts the ball infront of kazuma which taken back the muscular U-20 player, but still charges at him anyway. Using kazuma's physicality, rin shoulder charged into kazuma, flipping the larger male over his body before continuing running.

 Using kazuma's physicality, rin shoulder charged into kazuma, flipping the larger male over his body before continuing running

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Aiku was the last to stand in front of rin, widely smiling while spreading his arm.

" So that's what your ego is like?! You got pretty fucked up fetish, little genius junior."

While rin was charging at aiku, (Y/n)'s eyes became (E/c) while having circles in them with his world view becoming more advance.

While rin was charging at aiku, (Y/n)'s eyes became (E/c) while having circles in them with his world view becoming more advance

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(Y/n) looks at his world view in shock as he sees many outcomes that can possibly happen with rin's new and monstrous play style

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(Y/n) looks at his world view in shock as he sees many outcomes that can possibly happen with rin's new and monstrous play style.

' So many outcomes that can happen, but they all end with rin missing the ball, he's flow stat is hideous. Some much hatred and destruction. With his mindset like that, he wouldn't be able to score a goal. So, I'll use this to my advantage. Everyone has eyes on rin, I'll blend into the shadow and let rin think he has any chance to score, but once it bounce off the goalpost, sae will be there to get the ball and run towards our side of the field. Then the two itoshi brothers will be fighting over the ball like children, and with a 50% chance of rin winning the battle, and you, isagi. you have a 99% chance of scoring a goal. You'll position yourself to get the ball and score. I already got a hat trick, I might aswell get an assist. '

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