Chapter Fourteenth

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3rd POV:
Yukimiya jumps into the air, celebrating his first goal in a match with screaming victoriously. Isagi pumped his fist before looking at kaiser who was speachless. The blue lockers run towards yukimiya, celebrating with his amazing goal. Yukimiya looks at them before landing his eyes on isagi. walking towards him, yukimiya went to apologize for his irrational behavior in the match. While isagi and yukimiya were speaking, (Y/n) was talking with gagamaru until chigiri walks over.

" I lost to you again, (Y/n). But, I still scored on you, your ego must be hurting right now, so called "world Class goalkeeper"?"

" Aww. You finally scored on me for the first time, princess. Do you want me to bend a knee, kiss your hand, and say "You are all high and mighty." Will that stroke your ego?"

" Oh shut up, idiotic (Y/n). Try and act all cool you want, I still was the only one who had scored on you. So, accept reality and admit that I'm better player."

" Alright, I'd admit. You grown quite allot. So today in this match, you had me beat. Stand proud, pink cheetah. you had defeated me, Congratulations."

(Y/n) saids with a smile on his face before having his hands out for chigiri to shake. Chigiri shakes it with a determined smile on his face aswell. (Y/n) turned around in time to see isagi falling forward infront of kaiser who let's go of ness's head and graps isagi by his hair, keeping him from falling forward on the ground. (Y/n) walks over to the unconscious isagi and Kaiser with (Y/n) kneeling to isagi level and holding him straight up.

" Isagi, you idiot. Going pass your limit like that. You can let go, kaiser. I got him."

" Protective are we, Little dragon? What a loyal little dragon you are, shenlong. Will you be that loyal towards me as your master?"

" Just let go of his hair, you weirdo."

Kaiser let's go with (Y/n) picks up isagi and walks off the field with isagi on his back. While walking off the field. Noel noa calls out to him, making (Y/n) stop his walking and turning towards the number #1 striker.

" Yes master?"

" Follow me to my quarters."

" Alright."

(Y/n) follows Noel to his quarters with isagi still on his back.

After the match and dropping isagi off to Noel's quarters. the next day has passed with (Y/n) on the field, taking a break after training his offense and defense, looking at the new rankings on the blue lock tablet.
Neo Egoist League Rankings:
No.1: Barou Shoei-100,000,000¥
No.2: (Y/n) Shenlong-99,900,000¥
No.3: Nagi Seishiro-88,000,000¥
No.4: Bachira-66,000,000¥
No.5: Isagi-50,000,000¥
No.6: kenugami-47,000,000¥
No.7: Reo-40,000,000¥
No.8: Rin-36,000,000¥
No.9: Chigiri-30,000,000¥
No.10: Yukimiya-29,000,000¥
No.11: Gagamaru-28,000,000¥
No.12: Aiku-27,000,000¥
No.13: Aryu-25,000,000¥
No.14: kurona-24,000,000¥
No.15: Niko-23,000,000¥
No.16: Otoya-22,000,000¥
No.17: Shidou-20,000,000¥
No.18: Sendou-17,500,000¥
No.19: Darai-15,000,000¥
No.20: Nayate-13,000,000¥
No.21: Karasu-12,000,000¥

' Barou is now no.1 in the new rankings. He did score a hat trick in his match against F.C. barcha. Not bad, king.'

While (Y/n) was in his thoughs, kurona and Isagi tapped him on the shoulder, breaking him from his thought.

" Hey, (Y/n). You alright? You've been spacing out for while."

"-Eh, really? Sorry about that. I was only looking through the rankings."

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