"Don't touch her"

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Nicole's pov:

Me,my boyfriend bill and his band mates were at a bar when I was about to get another drink. I asked everyone if they wanted another refill but they said no so I went up alone. After the bartender took my order I sat and waited for my drink. I saw a guy come next to me and rest his cheek in his hand looking at me. I felt uncomfortable so I asked him what he wanted so he could leave me alone.
"Y'know you're really pretty..what's your name gorgeous?" He asked grazing his hand over my shoulder. I scooted back and got really anxious and uncomfortable. I didn't like talking to people I didn't know that much let alone touch me.
"I have a boyfriend." I was getting very upset and needed bill to notice me and save me. I was usually very independent but bill was good with people so if it came to talking he would take over. He must've noticed my begging teary eyes because I saw him walk over. The guy pulled me by the chin and continued flirting with me however that came to an end when he was shoved away by bill who was fuming mad. He towered over the guy making the guy scared and not able to hold eye contact. Bill grabbed the guy's collar and pulled him close.
"Do you know who I am..?" He snapped. The guy was shaking and stuttering.
"B-bill from Tokio Hotel that one band..?" He choked.
"Yes but I'm also her boyfriend." He said pointing to me.
"Hey man I don't want any tension I'm sorry for coming at your girl.." the guy gulped and bill threw him down. He grabbed my hand and kissed my temple. I smiled and leaned into him.
"Are you okay baby..?" He asked holding my waist. I nodded and held onto him. he smiled and kissed my head before we headed home.

Bill kaulitz x self insert Where stories live. Discover now