Chapter 42 - PHASE 2: part 7

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We were all gathered in my room. "You saw her?" Phillips asked surprised, "she actually talked to you?" 

"She was probably a bit in shock from the fall off of your roof." Lippa pointed out trying to hide her amusement at the situation. She knew that I was in a bad mood as it was and I did not need her to wind me up right now. 

"In shock from that and the fact that you were there with Amanda." Wendy added wrinkling her nose at the idea. 

I rolled my eyes, "I really had no idea she would try and kiss me!" I exclaimed annoyed, how many more times would I have to explain that?

"I have no idea how you didn't notice that that girl was making moves on you any and every chance she got. She's obsessed with you." Yeah-yeah told me rolling his eyes. "And that is totally besides the point. We're supposed to be talking about how to get her back not why you are oblivious."

"I still can't belive she fell of the roof." Squints muttered shaking his head. 

"Serves her right." Phillips muttered scowling. He was probably the angriest with his sister, and since their birthday he had been in an awful mood. 

"Get har back?" I asked running my hand through my hair, "I'm starting to think Lippa is right. She'll come back when she wants to and no sooner. We all know first hadn how unbelievably stubborn Aliza can be if she puts her mind to it." 

I could see the cogs turning in Phillips mind and he looked up at us a grin cracking on his face, "I know we clearly can't convince her to come back, but there's someome else who can. Someone who's known Aliza's crazy side longer and therfore better than us. "I thought the girls weren't allowed to leave AATG?" I asked frowning. 

He shook his head, "not the girls. But Max. I can get him on the next plane out. And he'll do it too." 

I shrugged, "yeah alright, it's our only option right now give him a call." 

I could not belive it had come to this. 

Two days later he rocked up at my door step. 

Phillips had been thrilled to see him apparently the two of them were really good friends which I vuaguely remember him mentioning at the beginning of this whole thing. It was had to believe he actually had normal friends and not just his moron tigers. 

Max seemed easy going which was good because i couldn't deal with another firecracker in our group and he also seemed to know a lot more about what had happened to the girls while they had been at school. "Christ." he replied shaking his head as he sat down at my kitchen table. "This is going to take a lot of convincing, but I'll do my best. Do any of you even know where she is?" 

We shook our heads and he sighed, "even better. What do you know?"

"Nothing is probably the word that best describes it." Wendy tolf him resting her head in her hands. 

"Nothing?" He asked sceptically, "what exactly am I supposed to do with that. I'd love to help but I can't exaclty do that if you don't have any idea what she's been up to since she's gone missing." 

"it's not out fault she's such a fucking nut." Phillips replied glaring at him, "you've met Aliza you know how mind blowingly annyoing she can be. How are we supposed to keep up with that." 

"We dont' have a chance ant finding her without more information!" Squints added, "when she cut us out she knew what she was doing, there are no clues no nothing!" 

"Well none of us exaclt have experience with doing this ourselves so it's not like we'd know what to look for." I continued crossing my arms.

"God!" Phillips snapped, "I could kill her! She always does this shit, acting like a fucking martyr and I;m so sick of it!" 

That started a whole new comition that had us all shouting over eachother angrily as we thought about the whole situation. There was a loud banging noise that had us all turning towards Max who was hitting a ladle against a pot to get our attention. 

"ALL OF YOU ENOUGH!" He yelled at us, "I get that you're massively pissed off and that this seems like an offence against you but it's not. Get over yourselves! Have you ever even stopped to consider that that girl has bucketloads of unpacked trauma that influence every decision she makes. She was scared for her life every single day for seven years and things have happened to Alli during that time that no person should ever even have to go through in a lifetime!"

We didn't have an answer for that. 

"Aliza is doing the best she can because this is all she knows how to do. You can complain about Lily, Jess and Bella being in on it and the rest of you being forced out but you have no idea that it took the three of them and ALiza years to get to that point!" he told us firmly, "you've made far more progress with her in the last month that they did at the beginning. But without knowing the full story of what really happened you cannot judge her decisions that harshly."

As much as I hated to say it he was completely right. We hadn't stopped to consider any of it, we didn't even know the full story of what had happened to her and what she had been through. I couldn't say it made me less angry but it made the whole thing make far more sense than it had at the beginning.

"So please, if by some miracle I can talk her down or she comes back on her own don't be to harsh with her, Aliza genuinley thinks she's doing you all a favour and saviny our lives from something that has nearly killed ehr multiple times. She's trying to guard you from going through what she did" Max finished. 

We exchanged looks across the kitchen, I had origionally planned on being furious with Aliza when she finally came back from her suicide mission but even with this new information I still wanted to yell at her. I was still so fucking pissed depsite what he had said. 

"I'm going to get something to eat." I said getting up abruptly. The others nodded in agreement, "yeah me too. I'm starving."

"Max?" I asked as we made our way to the door.

He shook his head, "nah no thanks mate, I'm not hungry. Do you mind if I just wait for all of you up in your room?"

I shook my head, "make yourself at home." My parents and sisters were gone anyways so it's not like it mattered much. 

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