Chapter 1 The Maller Brothers

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"Jake Maller is coming to the party and you are just his type. I heard it from the ticket sellers." My roommate pulls dresses from my closet. "This is no good."

"It's not a party it's an award ceremony. My suit is fine. I'm not even up for anything. And what exactly makes you think I'm his type?" I start putting my things back in my closet.

"You're blonde."

"So are you."

"Blue eyes."


"Short" I'd argue but I'm only four eleven.


"Not fat? I dunno he's a playboy it doesn't take much." She shrugs. "Well, I mean, you know what I mean." She hedges when I give her an unappreciative look.

"I'm not rich either. He dates people with money or popularity and what do you mean a playboy? How do you know, he's not even in the country much. And its not like he takes any one with him."

"Oh so you do follow the gossip."

"Be quiet." I blush.

"Well he's a playboy because he's with a different girl each time." I just look at her. "Oh, what do you think they're not having sex together? That's what hot people do, have wild and freaky sex and the richer one gives the poorer one expensive gifts. You can't tell me you wouldn't like that."

"Of course I'd like it. BUt I don't want to be bought and while I'm certainly pretty enough, I'm hardly gorgeous." I dust off a dress that fell on the floor. "My nose is a little too flat and my lips too wide and my eyes too small."

"Oh they are not! Besides you're going to have an advantage."


"You're going to be a preschool teacher."

"So give him some animal crackers and apple juice and put him down for a nap?" I hope she gets the sarcasm.
"You're going to help raise children for a living. Men love motherly figures, Why do you think they keep having affairs with the nanny?"

"Provided they don't have motherly figures."I put the last dress away. "I'm a size six plus describing them as child bearing hips is an understatement." I put my hands on my size eight hips."

"So how did you get tickets for this anyway?" She ignores me.

"Doug from Chemistry. It's going to be boring as hell, but it comes with free food so I couldn't say no. Plus of course I couldn't abandon him and leave him to that alone, even if he is getting Saludatorian. Anyway, what makes you think Jake's my type?"

"Handsome rich boy? What's not to like? We need to go shopping."

"I need someone who can share."

"And I'm sure he'd love a girl who can share."

"With other men? I'm not bi and I'm rarely casual. I'd need like sisterwives only men...brotherhusbands I guess. Guys don't do great sharing with other men." I remind her.

"That's true enough."

"So it's highly unlikely that out of a hall full of beautiful accomplished scholars, even if I was his type, he'd be mine. Besides I'll be with Doug. I'm not going to hit on a stanger while on a date with my friend. If it's a date. I'm not sure." I frown. "Honesly I'm afraid to clarify."

"Oh yes, choose the broke college student over the handsome millionaire. It's pretty arrogant to say that he wouldn't be your type. Rich and pretty is everyone's type."

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