Chapter 22 Brotherly Love

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Chapter 22 Brotherly Love

"Hello, Boulder." I smile at the doorman as we approach the building.

"Welcome back, Ms Masters." She smiles at me. "I hear you're here for the long haul."

"Well, while I'm hauling this at least." I pat my stomach. Her smile gets slightly distressed. "Don't worry. I'll be okay. I'm okay. But right now I'm hungry so I'll see you later."

"I'll see you later, Ms. Masters."

I give Doug's arm a squeeze and let him walk me to the elevator. They kept me for three weeks trying to figure out what my nutritional needs are and the growth rate. I'm going to have to decide on an abortion soon or never. At least I managed to get Doug to go back and finish his training. His teacher said he has the best control he's seen now. Given how much it was tested, I'm not surprised.

"I have some good news." Doug says as he walks me into the elevator. "I saved a sprite from a frog. I was so grateful it gave me a wish."

"Oh, that's nice, I think."

"I actually refused it at first because I didn't think it could do anything I wanted. It got offended though and challenged me to name three wishes and if there were any it couldn't do, it would forgive my disbelief but if it could do all three then I had to give it the gold in my bag."

"The poop gold?"

"Yes. It turned out he could do all three." Doug grins.


"First, I wanted something to turn Jake back into a human. Secondly I wanted something to ensure you a safe pregnancy and lastly, well, that's a little personal."

"And you got them?"

"I got them."

"So how do we turn Jake back?"

"It gave me a potion. We just have to make sure to make him drink it on the first night of the full moon. As for you." he pulls a small golden ring out of his pocket. "A ring of vitality that helps renew your vitality at twice the rate. May I?" I just hold out my hand and let him put it on my finger. "Practice for another ring someday." he says softly.

"Maybe." I close my hand around his and pull him down into a kiss. It's not as difficult as I thought it would be.

"I've missed you." he holds onto me. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you more." he wisely doesn't argue, he just holds me until the elevator door opens.

"There's another option, you know." Doug says as I eat my steak.



"Oh, yeah. I think Alex mentioned that before." I feed Jake part of my roll.

"Don't." Doug starts to protest, but Jake and I just glare at him. "Yes. Adoption. Neither of you want or are ready to be parents so why not give them to somebody who is. You know there are tons of succubi and incubi who would kill to... I mean.." he stammers.

"I know." I pat his leg.

"Kill? They'd fight each other to the death if you asked them to." Alex hands me my shake. "I think adoption is a good idea. If we keep them. If they survive."

"Don't be so pessimistic." Jake protests.

"Why shouldn't he be? Look at all the bad luck I've had so far."I put the shake down.

"None of us want you risking your life for this." Alex points out.

"I don't want me risking my life for this either. But this is a little bigger than just me. I might as well try. But I don't want to die for them. If it's me or them, I'm chosing me. Maybe that's selfish..."

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