Chapter 3 The Bodyguard

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 Chapter 3 The Bodyguard

"I thought there was another body guard from somewhere?" I look around as Hargrove leads me into the garage.

"Steeler and Smith. Their man prefers to work in the shadows." he informs me. "I'm more of a..."

"Show pony?" I think I hear someone snicker in the shadows, that or sneeze. I politely refrain from looking in that direction.

"Visible deterrent. There aren't for show." He flexes slightly with a good humored grin. "You'll be safe with us."

"Oh, okay." I let him help me into a nice grey sedan. "You'll need my address."

"I have it."

It's a quiet ride home. I look down at the shirt dress. Hargrove gave me his belt to make it look less like a night shirt. It matches my stockings which somehow escaped the explosion unscathed. The shoes did too. They don't match the t-shirt but that hardly matters.

"This is it?" Hargrove pulls up to the town house on the end, the only one not flamboyantly colored much to my dissappointment.

"Yes." I look out and start to get out of the car.

"No." My bodyguard stops me. He follows me up the stairs and into the house. Daisy is at work, thank god. There's just a note on my door. 'You lucky whore' with a smiley face emoji. I quickly take it down.

"I hear you're going to be a preschool teacher." He makes conversation as he inspects the apartment.

"Yes, Did you do a background check on me?" I frown.

"As soon as you started associating with Doulas. Jacob is very protective of his little brother. Just to warn you."

"I wouldn't hurt him. We're friends. It's not very professional telling your employers business like that, though, is it?" I challenge him.

"Let's just say I trust you to have a little sense and not get offended by what's generally a neccessity. We have to investigate every significant person in their lives. Besides you seem sweet enough." he pulls down the shades on the windows.

"Alright. I won't fly into an offended rage or anything. I suppose it's just common sense, like Doug using another name. Do you actually catch any kidnappers that way, though?"

"You'd be surprised. How are you feeling?"

"Fine. Sore. tired." I rub the back of my neck. "Surprisingly good for being in an explosion."

"It's beter to go to bed then."

"Care to join me?" I flirt, not expecting anything but a polite refusal.

"Very much so." I stop as this is not the reply I expected.

"But you're working?" I conclude as he comes towards me.

"I can multitask." He takes off his shirt.Oh holy shit. He picks me up, by the waist and lifts me up, kissing me with extreme passion. Oh, fuck yes!

"My body is in your hands."

"But first." he gently carries me to the bed. "I am required to let you know that I am an incubus."

"Ah." Roleplay. That's kind of cute.

"That means I get twice as much out of it as you do, if you know what I mean."

"Isn't that always the way?" I tease him, though I'm sure he didn't mean to imply what he did.

"What? No! N ot... I just steal a little vitality, that's all. I have a rotation of donors so I don't need to take too much. Just once a month per donor. Some people are bothered by that."

Just My DuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora