Chapter 12 Matchmaker

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"So we know his type is short, blonde hair, blue eyes." I fill in the application as I have the best handwriting. "Age preference?"

"Let's say twenty to thirty. Narrow it down a bit." Doug suggests leaning over me at the desk.

"How old is he?"

"Twenty eight almost twenty nine."

"That's it?" I look over at him.

"He started trading at Twenty one, he's really good at what he does."

"I thought he'd be older the way he mother hen's you."

"That's just his personality. We should warn his potential dates about that." Doug points down to the flaws section.

"Alright. Should I put mother hen or over protective?"

"Over protective. And stubborn. Poor taste in women..." Doug continues.

"We can't put that."

"True it's pretty much implied by the use of a match maker anyway."

"Spoils daughter." I tap him with the pen.

"Is that a flaw?"

"It depends on the woman. One who thinks so will be easily eliminated." I point out.

"Okay, put that down."

"Over works?"

"Mmm, not really. He was the CEO of one company and part owner of two in the outerlands. He always has time for me or his dates. He's never missed a custody visit yet. I think this is the first time he's ever tried not to, honestly." Doug confesses. "And he personally handles all her care when she's here."

"Yeah, you can tell just by watching them interact together." I can't help but smile at hte memory. "So we're into good qualities now. Doting father, knows importance of family, generous, kind, loving brother, handsome, smart." I notice Doug looking at me, not quite pouting. "What?"

"I hope you have as much to say about me."

"Most of the same things actually except I'd call you brilliant instead of smart." I give him a kiss. "You two are quite the catches."


"Saludatorian Chemistry major. What else could you be but brilliant?"

"I'm also an alchemy major at Lore." he confesses, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll be trandferring credits now that I graduated Tilton. I'm actually going for my doctorate so I'll be in school for a while."

"Do I have to wait that long?" I ask in dismay.

"Well, I won't have a job, but I get access to my trust at twenty five."

"And you shit gold." I grin reminding him.

"That, too."

"Alright." I turn back to the application. "Favorite things?"

"He loves math puzzles, fine dining, the theatre. Vacationing at the cottage, monopoly, card tricks. He can't do them but he love them and kid magic and stuff like that, though he's a little embarrassed about it." Doug tries to think, then smiles. "I bet he'll be taking Lorelai to alot of shows, though."

"Okay... how tall is he?"

"Five eleven."

"Five eleven's never say they're five eleven. I'll put six one so they know he's five eleven. Weight?"

"Two ten."


"He works out. Mostly for insurance purposes." Doug informs me. "He likes to swim."

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