Chapter 2 Black Pearls

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"Jenny... Jenny..." I hear amidst the ringing in my ears. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes... yes." I reach out to his arms to steady myself as I try to sit up.

"Lie down." Here rest your head on my lap." He eases me down to the floor where I already am but to a different floor without blood yet I think. It's soft. Is it his lap? I think I hear someone singing to me. Girl with the pearls... it's so beautiful. I struggle to get up but Jake holds my shoulders down.

"But... but it's a scholarship. A full ride." I protest. "I just need to go. I need to go. Let go." Suddenly I throw up and the singing fades away.

"I can't take it off." I hear Jake say calmly. "You'll just have to wait until she wakes up and I can continue to the crossroads."

"This is highly irregular."

"I'll say. You gave me a bonded set. That was being targeted no less. I ought to sue you for your negligence." Jake snaps at the man who spoke. "Now leave us."

"Jake?" I ask, "Where's Doug?" I open my eyes. "Is he okay?" There's a little man with a long braided beard who storms out of the room without a word to me.

"Doug is fine." He nods over to the pull out couch were his brother is a lightly snoring crumpled mess. Doug has a few stitches on his jaw but Jake is pretty much unscathed.

"What happened?" I put my hand to my head. Ow, goddamn it.

"I'm not sure exactly, but it was a combination gass explosion and robbery." Jake is so calm. How is he so calm?

"A random robbery or someone coming to take the pearls specifically?" I demand.

"How are you feeling?" He ignores the question, thus answering the question. I just look at him until he looks away. Don't worry, though, my body guard stopped them."

"Oh, okay. Are you and Doug okay?"

"Sure. A few minor things but we tend to be a lucky bunch." He reassures me, patting my hand.

"Alright." The stocky little man is back. "Until this young lady is able to come to us, I want a bodyguard at her side day and night. One of our own."

"I'm afraid you'll need to go out of house for this one." Jake says apologetically. "I'm not sure what he means exactly but it seems to piss the man off. "You need someone they'll consider impressive here to avoid trouble, or avoid notice if you want them to be discreet."

"We do have big people on retainer. I'll send one of those. Feel free to provide her one yourself, but ours is in charge."

"As you like." Jake nods. "Here contact my lawyer. I'll need your help getting her across the border to the cross roads."

"What? She's not..." The little man gapes at me as I try to take off my necklace, but it's like someone poured superglue on the clasp. The same with the earrings, though they both move easily around my neck and in my ear.

"Don't worry. I'll deal with it. One of us will stay here until your man gets here. I'll make sure she understands the neccessity." Jake promises.

"Thank you for your cooperation." The man finally leaves. For good this time.

"So what on earth are you two talking about?" I ask. "Does it have anything to do with why this won't come off?"

"Yes." Jake sits down on the side of the hospital bed by my feet. "Has Doug ever mentioned the Crossroads to you?"

"No. The crossroads of what? Or is it like a pub or something. It sounds like a pub." I consider.

"It's an island. Much like New York. A huge metropolis connected to various places through bridges and portals."

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