Chapter 10 A Bad Day

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"You know." I rest my head on his chest. "If it weren't for you vow of celibacy, we could be frolicing like bunnies right now."

"No, your leg is still broken." he reminds me as if he has to.

"I love that that would stop you."

"I don't mind just holding you." He's interrupted by the growling of my stomach. There's nothing to eat and it's impossible to tell how long it's been since they took our phones, so we both just ignore our hunger. Water is the bigger issue though. But there's no point in complaining about that either.

A light starts to shine through the bars. It's a pretty non descript cave. I look down at my dress and see blood. Of all the shitty things to happen my period coming early would have to be one of them.

The light gets closer and two people with masks approach the bars. Masks are a good thing. It means they might not kill us. There's no door but he little one touches two bars near each other and they melt into his hands. The large ones can barely fit through, but he comes in first.

"We're going to call your brother." Little guy takes out his phone. "And you are going to assure him you are unharmed. Any code, any nonsense, anything other than that you are alive and unharmed and we will hurt your lady friend. Possibly kill her and you both. We are not to be trifled with.

"Yes, sir." Doug says as he's pulled upright by the big guy, knocking me aside as the little guy starts to dial.

"Mr. Maller please. I believe he's expecting our call." How is he getting cell coverage. It must be magic, which seems more and more handy by the day. "But what?" The man is quiet for a moment. "Have you lost your mind? This is serious. We will kill them... Well, I don't believe you but fine. Douglas. Speak to your brother." He taps the speaker phone.

"Hi, Jake." Doug looks up at the large gravel thing holding him up by the shirt. "I'm alive and well, completely unharmed. A little thirsty, though. So's Jenny."

"Satisfied?" The kidnapper turns the speaker off again. "We will be sending you a transfer number. You will transfer fifty million guilders to this account and your brother will be returned to you... Yes and the girl as well, depending entirely on their behavior. Do we have an understanding?" His eye twitches as he hearts a quack. "That depends, how much longer do you think they'll survive without food and water?" he hangs up the phone and starts typing something,

The big gravelly guy gives a laugh and tosses Doug back over to me.

"Are you okay?" I caress his cheek as he picks himself up to a sitting position. He nods and puts his arms around me.

"Did you know about this?" Little Guy snaps.

"About what?" Big Guy rumbles.

"Maller being a duck."

"You didn't? It's been in the news." Big Guy shakes his head.

"This is pissing me off. He's a duck. How's a duck going to pay ransom? He'll need signatures, codes! How can a fucking duck sign a fucking signature? You know what? Have fun." Little Guy motions to us, me in particular.

"What?" Doug tightens his hold on me.

"I told you if you said anything more than alive and well, we'd hurt the girl." The Big Guy grabs me by the ankle of my unbroken leg and pulls me away from Doug. That does nothing to spare my broken leg at all. I'm surprised my hip didn't pop out of it's socket and that my leg didn't rebreak on the way.

"I... I didn't mean... I'm sorry! Don't hurt her, please." Dough tried ot get up but there's a flash and he falls, convulsing a little.


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