Chapter 4 Bad Luck

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Something's poking my face. I open my eyes just in time to throw up a shitload of water, narrowly avoiding my rescuer's face.

"There you go." Green almost eyes, pointy teeth and a conspicuously pointy nose stand out in a thin green face. I almost want to scream but I can't help but feel it would be kind of rude.

"Jenny!" I look up from the bank to the bridge to see the Maller boys looking down at me. I give them a thumbs up but not only do I feel very sick but my leg hurts so much it must be broken.

"I gotcha girl." The short green man picks me up and carried me up the bank to the road.

"Good work, Lin." They look relieved. Oh my god, did I really jump off this bridge? There are a few dead bodies on the road and the bottom half a dead fish on the river bank which is odd.

"Could they fit in the trunk? They may have bounties." Lin asks with a surprisingly pleasant voice for such a terrifying face.

"Sure, why not?" Jake sighs. "But you're paying the cleaning bill. Place her in the car and then help yourself. I'll call an ambulance."

"No, pearls first." Lin puts me gently down on one of the seats. "Safer for her the sooner we get to the jewelry store. She'll be fine until then."

"She's right. The sirens are the greater threat." Alex adds. What, even with my leg


"I'm tired of this. They can come to us." Jake snaps and takes out his phone. "

"Jake, don't be a brat." Doug grabs it away. "We're not waiting here for either of them. We're going to go to the jewelers and then the hospital. Hargrove with replace the tire while Martina finishes giving the trolls your insurance information and taking pictures. Ad you are going to take off that ridiculous overcoat and put it on Jenny because she's cold and shivering." Doug orders. Jake just looks at him for a second.

"Shit. Jenny. Right." He takes his coat of and places it over me. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better." I keep myself rom turning back to stare at Lin. "How are you?

"Embarrassed. I"m usually better than this with sirens. You of course, have no defense." he sighs.

"So um, Mr. Lin."

"Ms. Lin."

"Sorry. Ms. Lin. She has an unusual complexion." I comment, hopefully not being rude.

"She's a goblin."

"Okay." I say slowly. "And we were attacked by..."


"Huh." I feel a little dizzy and close my eyes. Goblins, sirens, incubi... he's really an incubus. Is that why I feel so shitty? Ah, but it was worth it. Though I shouldn't have lied to Doug about it. If he can't handle me sleeping with other people it'd never work between us. Besides, he said it wasn't a date but it felt like a date. Does he like me that way, though? Should I ask? I don't know. Is he even human? Does it matter? No, I think but I'm still curious. "So, um, are you and Doug...."

"We're human." He replies,"Though our family has been in the crossroads for so long I wouldn't be surprised if we had other things in our background as well."

"Oh, okay. Not that it matters." I quickly reassure him.

"Sometimes it does," he shrugs. "How are you taking this all in?"

"It's, mmm, it's a little overwhelming." I confess. "I'm just... it's kind of cool. Kind of strange. Not so great so far."

"I'd imagine not." He looks outside where Doug is taking with Lin as she beheads the corpses and takes their hands as well. "Bodyguards supplement their income with bounties they find on the job."

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