Chapter 17 A Boring Life

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Chapter 17 Boring Life

"I found him." I hear and look up to see Carmen with a very nervous looking duck in her claws. She lands in front of me and lets go of him.

"Jake!" I snatch him up , frazzled feathers and all and hug him tightly. "I'm so glad you're alright." I kiss his little head which he rests against my shoulder. "I was so worried. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to let you go."

"It's alright. It was a flash flood. It's not your fault." He reassures me. "I found the wellspring, though." Jake informs me dourly.

"And?" He doesn't say anything. "Oh, right. Oh, Jake, I'm so sorry."

"So where did you find a dragon?" He looks over to Carmen.

"I.. oh, shoot, Carmen, thank you so much. I'll have the kitchen make you some meat. You must be hungry, too." I head off to the kitchen still holding Jake. "Carmen is back. Could I please have some meat for her?"

"Yes, ma'am." One says.

"Do you have any oats or watercress for the young duck?"I ask.

"We're fully stocked for Mr. Maller. Don't worry." The same chef smiles at me.

"They say thank you." I translate though Carmen most certainly did not thank them.

"Our pleasure."

"So what happened?" I take Jake out to the dining room and place him on the table.

"I kind of ended up floating and trying not to bang into things, which wasn't easy because it was dark. I ended up in a quarry and slept on the water somehow. It took forever to get out."

"You are made to float." I stroke his head. "I see you 'lost' your helmet."

"I did, yes." he briefly looks away. He got rid of it on purpose. But I won't call him on it. "I went up the stream to try and find a town and saw a path with the markings from the map. The well was so polluted and disgusting I almost couldn't bring myself to go into it. But I did. I figured out how to dive in case I needed to be covered in it. I even drank some. I didn't know a duck could throw up, did you?"

"No. Oh you poor thing." I hug him again, letting him rest his head on my shoulder.

"How's Doug? Is he alright?"

"He's fine. We got supplies airdropped in from Bradley and we all took healing potions. So we're all fine. We haven't found Nickelson or Boarish yet, but I"m sure they're okay. I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried."

"So was I. You seem to have the worst luck when you're with us."

"Well, it's got to end sometime." I sigh. Jake straightens up and gently pecks my cheek.

"You're really good to us. I'm glad Doug found you."

"Me, too." I smile. "He is wonderful isn't he? I really love him."

"Yeah, baby brother's the best. He's won alot of awards you know. Mostly in regards to science. I still haven't shown you his baby pictures yet, have I?"

"Well,we've been preoccupied."

"Jenny?" he looks at me. "What happened to your hair?"

"An accident involving a passionate embrace."

"That idiot set your hair on fire, didn't he?"

"Accidentally, yes."

"And you haven't broken up with him? It must be love."

"Don't scold him when you see him or anything. He already feels bad. Understand?" I frown at him so he knows I'm serious.

"I don't have to torment my little brother all the time, you know." he sounds slightly offended.

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