Chapter 9 First Date

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"Bye Daddy." I watch and Lorlelai gives her daddy duck a big hug. Jake rubs his cheek against hers and just waits for her to let go.

"C'mon honey." Saoirse gently calls her daughter who just hugs him tighter.

"Mommy? Take him? Daddy a duck." She sounds so distressed.

"No, honey. Daddy has Uncle Doug to help him out."

"Denny." She points to my leg.

"I have a nurse, sweetie." I remind her.

"Lorelai. It's time to go." Saoirse comes over and picks her up. "Do you want to watch Bibo in the car?"

"Bibo!" She eagerly goes now.

"What's Bibo?" I ask. Doug shudders at the name.

"Who is Bibo." He corrects me. "Bibo is a dragon with his own children's show. It spreads misinformation. 'A good dragon never takes another person's property.' I don't think they understand what giant packrats dragons are." he seethes. "Having her watch it is especially bad seeing as a dragon killed her grandparents."

"Oh, no."

"Saoirse's parents were conservationists. Dragons are an endangered species. They got a little too close during a hatching. Didn't realize the father was back. Lorelai had just been born, too." Doug suddenly grins and looks to his brother. "She tried to get you to put a bounty on the dragons." Jake just rolls his eyes.

"So that's your objection to a children's show?"

"No. It's mostly just annoying." he admits. "Do you want to see?" Doug grins all of a sudden.

"No, absolutely not. I have to start getting ready for our date." I remind him and start out to my room. Jake makes an odd noise at this.

"Yes. I asked her on a date and she said yes."Doug replies defensively. "We're going to Barbery's." I look back to see Jake tug on his pant leg and lead him to his room. "I can dress myself you know." he protests. I just smile and go take a bath.

"You look amazing."I can't help but complement him again as he wheels me to the table. "Suits look good on you." And it's kind of hot seeing him with his hair tied back.

"You look amazing, too. I've always loved that purple dress." Dough admits.

"I'm just glad it's good enough or the dress code. I was afraid I was going to have to take of my cast or wrap it in silk or something." I let him put the napkin in my lap. Doug laughs at me.

"It's not quite that strict. But same. I've almost grown out of this. But Jake's are still too bulky. He's probably seething that he couldn't let his tailor at us again." Doug grins. "But let's not talk about Jake. Did you get your grades yet?"

"A's and B's." I reply. "You?"

"Well, I am Saludatorian, I kind of already knew them, but all A's." He smiles. "That's even with auditing a couple classes on top of a full load."

"Having no life and no need to work can be nice like that. So, knowing what I do now though, how was history class for you?"

"It was interesting. The industrial revolution in a world without magic? Just amazing. The professor was good, too."

"What are you going to do about college now with, you know, the current situation." I lean forwards. "I know he handles everything financially."

"The trust handles college but Jake is in charge of the trust. Of course, I do have my little windfall now." He reminds me talking about it so seriously I can't let myself laugh. I just smile instead. "And Bradley has the authority to pay the bills in case of an emergency which this does qualify as. So I'll be fine."

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