Chapter 5 The Penthouse

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"At least I'm not going to have to worry about money for a while." I look at the check as we head back to my home from the hospital. "How many dollars is a guilder anyway?"

"It changes all the time but the average is 2 to 1. You'll only get 1.75 to one, though, for processing fees. The Crossroads are a gold based economy so it has to be translated to gold then sold across the border. I'll take care of that for you.As a matter of face, if you like I can take half of it and make some investments for you. I guarantee fifty thousand guilders will remain intact I'll never risk more than half your account." He offers.

"I... I think... you don't have to..."

"You'll still have alot to play around with," Doug points out. "And Jake is very good at this."

"Well, alright, but I will need that half of my money." I agree. "I'd like to get ahead start on my loans and pay for rent while I heal."

"We'll set up an account online and I'll have someone take care of the money changes. If it's the right bank they'll do it for you, but I'm afraid all transfers between Crossroad and outerworld banks have to be conducted in person to avoid trouble. Earths not part of the collective, even if we do have a few bridges." Jake informs me.

"You know you don't have to do this."

"I know, but any friend of Doug's is a friend of mine. He doesn't have many. I worry sometimes."

"He's just shy." I defend him.

"No, I just don't like many people and have nothing to talk about to the ones I do. Speaking of disliking people." Doug turns to me. "That girl at the ceremony, what was her problem?"

"Oh, I was in her sorority and when they found out I was poly they voted me out. It was not a religious sorority so I got them in trouble for it with the college. They almost got shut down. Some of my former sisters are still mad at me." I confess.

"That's how I first met Jenny, actually." Doug turns to his brother. It was? "At a sorority party.I was dating Cathrine? Caroline?" he frowns. "Doesn't matter really. We had a nice conversation while I was waiting for her, then we ended up in chemistry together the next semester."

"That's cure." Jake smiles. "You didn't tell me you dated a sorority girl."

"Kristen!" Doug snaps his fingers. "Not for very long."

"That's right. Our local wiccan. Do you think maybe she tried to curse you?"

"I don't see why. She broke up with me. And isn't that a little prejudiced?" He frowns at me.

"No. Every religion has their hypocrites. They wouldn't have rules if they didn't need them." I cross my arms and turnto lookout the window, trying to think. "What about someone you pissed off out of class?"

"Wait, why are we assuming I was the intended target?" Doug straightens up. "It's not even certain the bad luck curse was a misfire."

"Because."Jake says calmly. "I never met Jenny before the ceremony and it would be too much of a coincidence for a random curse to misfire, especially as no one is supposed to be able to do magic here. It's unlikely they'd actually target her. It feels like a rejected woman sort of thing. Did anyone give you anything out of the ordinary? That maybe you gave to Jenny?"

"Like when she stole my strawberry rhubarb pie?"Oh he just has to bring that up again.

"You don't like strawberry pie. It gives you the creeps after reading that Steven King book." I protest.

"Yes but that was strawberry rhubarb pie. There's a big difference."

"It was a hand pie. I'm surprised they could fitone strawberry and one piece of rhubarb in it." I protest. He's not mollified. "I gave you my eclairs."

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