Chapter 20 The Incubus Procreation League

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Chapter 20. The Incubus Procreation League

"Hello?" I groggily answer the phone as the light from the window shines down on my face. Uggh, what time is it?

"Is this Jennifer Masters?"I hear. "Jennifer Leigh Masters?"

"Yes." I rub my eyes and push the pillows aside.

"This is Lilith Harriden from the Incubi Procreation League. We're calling about your pregnancy."

"Jesus, that was fast." I mutter. Not even a week. "Mmm, I'm sorry. I'm not really awake yet. And I'm kind of on vacation right now. If I promise not to do anything at least for four weeks until my boyfriend gets back from school. Do you think we could put this off?"

"Absolutely not. You are going to have to learn how to take care of yourself and your unborn child as soon as possible. If only for your own sake."

"Well, I live in the outer lands."

"Which outerland?"


"Absolutely not! You and your child will never survive in a magicless world." She exclaims. "Give us your present address. We'll come this afternoon. Arrangements must be made as soon as possible."

"Well, I would, but it's not my vacation home."

"Who is it?" Alex comes to my door.

"Lilith Harriden. If the Incubus Procreation League. She wants to come today."

"That'll be alright. Griselda and Lady both got here last night. I'll let Jake know they're coming."

"Shouldn't we be asking him if they can come? Hold on, I'm going to see if it's okay. Here talk to the father while I get dressed." I hand my phone to Alex and shoo him out the door. I quickly toss on a summer dress and head downstairs where Jake and Lorelai are eating cinnamon rolls in front of the TV.

"Jake?" I ask. He looks up at me. If a duck could give a sheepish grin, he would be."No, not that." I point to the rolls. "The Incubus Procreation League wants to come here and meet with me today. Is that okay with you?"

"That's a good idea." He replies. "You should start learning your options, and care needs. I'll put Frozen on when they come and sit in with you if you don't mind."

" Not at all." I look up as Alex comes down with the phone. "He said yes. I... don't know the address."

"I got it. They'll need authorization at the gate, too." He walks out of the house.

"Hey." I sit down next to the two naughty things nad take the most intact cinnamon roll. How about we go swimming for a little bit?" I suggest. I'd like to swim before they get here.

"Yay! Simming!" Lorelai claps her hands. "Daddy wets get my soot!" She picks up her daddy duck and runs off to her room. Fortunately she can dress herself so I finish my cinnamon roll and go get changed.

I shake out my hair as I leave the water for one of the chairs. Lorelai's staying in the shallow parts with her father, splashing around and lady is watching from the dock so I can take a break. She's so cute in her little frilly pink two piece showing her round little belly. Jake is swimming in circles around her. It makes my heart melt. But every good father does that to me so I don't need to worry.

"Ms. Masters?" I look back to see a pale but beautiful redhead in a red suit and heels making her way down the path to the lakeshore. She's waving to me so I wave back. She's followed by a couple men, arms full of bags. None of them are having an easy time of it. Alex follows them.

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