Chapter 26 True Love's Kiss

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"Are you sure about this?" Jake wrinkles his nose.

"Should I not be?'

"It looks pretty disgusting."

"It's just ranch dressing." I stir it in.

"On macaroni?"

"Chicken bacon ranch goes good on everything." I inform him and lick some off my fingers.

"Okay, a sandwich yes. Pizza, okay, but cold macaroni?" Jake leans on the counter.

"Look, it's a salad. Just view it that way."

"No. Salads have lettuce not macaroni. Does Ms. Wellington know you're doing this? She won't let you cook again in her kitchen if she sees this thing."

"Yes. I asked her if it was alright for me to use the ingredients and showed her the recipe. It is a recipe. I'm not just tossing random things together and hoping it turns out."

"Just because it's a recipe doesn't mean its' good." He shakes his head at me as I mix in the bacon, chicken, and cubed cheese bits.

"Well, it's not for you anyway."

"What'll I eat then?" he protests.

"There's leftovers in the fridge." I inform him. He just pouts at me. "I'm not cooking a second meal just because you're a picky eater. You're a grown man, you can handle even just making a sandwich."

"I haven't since I was twelve."


"Exactly." he kisses my cheek and puts his hand on my enormous belly. I have to stand sideways to even use the damn counter. This is getting ridiculous. "Should you even be cooking right now? Are you sure you don't want to order out?"

"It's already done. Besides I'm sick of takeout. I want home cooked meals from home. Ms. Wellington is a great chef but nothing is familiar and it feels like I'm eating out again. Only burgers and fried are comforting and I"m even sick of those. I especially don't want to go out and have more photographers around taking pictures of me all big and bloaty. 'Whale watch' indeed. They really don't like me do they?" I can't help but pout.

"So they'll be left alone?"

"Until they're eighteen, yes." Jake nods.

"Oh, that's good." I sigh, relieved. "I'd like them to grow up as normally as possible." I look down at my belly. Crap. "Excuse me, I think I'm peeing myself." I turn to get a paper towel but he catches my hand.

"No, you're bleeding. Sit down." he leads me to the table. "I'm calling the ambulance. Alex!"

They get here amazingly fast. I half expect the elevator to stall as that seems to be the way my life is going right now, but it doesn't. They let Alex in the ambulance with me while Jake and Doug have to meet me at the hospital. Everything moves very quickly. Mostly because I keep falling asleep and they won't let me eat.

The difference between whe they take the babies out in a c-section is notable. I'm still exhausted but I no longer feel like being drained. The best thing is that since I'm not breastfeeding, they give me a potion of healing, bought for me by my darling Jake. I can feel my stomach shrinking back into place and the stitches pop out leaving no scar. I don't even have stretchmarks.

"Do you want to see them?" Alex asks when I wake up the next time.

"No." I look away. "Are they alright?"

"They're fine. A little early, a little small, but thriving."

"You saw them?"

"I did. They look like me, poor girls." I have to laugh at this.

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