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In Isle of The Lost
When Ash and Lena went to the Jolly Roger to hang out, they saw Hook stand in front at an abandoned shop and decided to walk towards him. Ash said "Hey uncle Hook." Hook turned to her and said "Sweet Freya, how was Dragon Hall? Oh, Hello Lena." Lena smiled and said "Hi Hook." Ash said "Dragon Hall was good, but what's with the abandoned shop?" Hook turned to the shop and said "Well sweet Freya, this is my new shop, 'Hook's Clock and Curiosity Shop'."

Ash and Lena look at the shop and the door said 'GO AWAY!' in front, then Lena said "Umm Hook, why does the door has 'GO AWAY!' at the front?" Hook said "Oh that? It was there before." Ash looked concerned and said "But, why put clock on there? I thought you hate clocks." Hook looked sown and looked up, then said "Cause I'm starting to get used to it." When, the clock tick and tock, Hook groaned and said "Mr. Smee! Turn off that clock!!"

Mr. Smee rushed up deck and turn off the clock, then Hook turned to Ash and Lena. Ash and Lena had their hands on their hips and cross, then said "Mmmmmhmmmm." Hook rolled his eyes and took out a camera, then said "Lena, can you take a picture of me and sweet Freya." Lena said "Sure." and took the camera, then Ash sat at the block while Hook stand with his hand on his hook. Lena toke the picture and gave Hook back his camera.

Hook said "Ready to see what's inside, sweet Freya and Lena?" Ash and Lena nodded and Hook opened the door, then saw rusty, old, dusty, spider webs, and little broken furniture in the shop. Hook said "This shop is bloody hell amazi-" he got interrupted by Ash said "Gross." Hook turned to Ash and said "But, bloody hell amazingly gross, sweet Freya." Lena came forward and said "So, why are we here?" Hook turned to them and said "Cause you two are going to clean up this place tomorrow."

Ash and Lena looked shocked and said "WHAT?! BUT WHY?!" Hook said "Cause I'm starting to get the stuff for this shop." Ash groaned and said "Fine. Whatever." Lena and she lefts the shop, Hook shouts "I always win!!!" Ash rolled her eyes and shouts "Whatever uncle Hook!!!" Ash and Lena went to the Jolly Roger to go into Ash's room and sat down the counter near the window. Ash started to said "You know Lena, things are going to change here in Isle of The Lost."

Lena turned to Ash with concern and said "You scared?" Ash turned to her with a smile and said "Naa, I've got Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Rick, Stefan, and you." Lena and Ash had a friendship hug, then let go and talked about things that would change. Then, Lena has to go home and left, leave Ash in her room all by herself. Ash went up deck and went to 'Hook's Clock and Curiosity Shop'. When she got there, she looked up and down of it and thought 'I think I'm going to like it here.'

Then she ran home while it was night time and got back to the Jolly Roger without anyone even her uncle knowing. She tip top to her room while her uncle and the crew mates were laughing, talking, and drinking. Ash closed the door slowly and took a shower, she got out and put on her PJS. When she got to bed, she wrote down in her journal secretive things. It was about 10:41 p.m. and Ash finally got tired, then put her journal inside of the counter.

Ash thought 'What's going to happen if Jay and Lena started dating? Would she stopped hanging out with me or she have to spend more time with Jay.' Then Ash shoke her head and think that's not going to happen that the fact Lena couldn't hang out with one of her best friends. Ash got to bed and looked out of her window. Then, saw the moon and stars sparkled through her room and she fell asleep.

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