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𝟬𝟭𝟲 ; 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨

"thanks, yuri!" minghao waved as he walked away, his figure gradually disappearing into the bustling crowd

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"thanks, yuri!" minghao waved as he walked away, his figure gradually disappearing into the bustling crowd. you stood there, the warmth of the okinawan sun kissing your skin as you returned his wave with a soft smile.

"sorry jeonghan, he got—jeonghan?" your brows furrowed in confusion as you scanned the area, but there was no sign of him. despite the lively atmosphere surrounding you, a sudden sense of unease crept over you. where could jeonghan have disappeared to? you were worried, you didn't like being alone. you didn't know oikawa, everything was so different to you. you grabbed your phone out of your purse and dialed jeonghan's number.

no answer.

you tried again, your fingers tapping anxiously on the screen, but still, no response. a pang of worry gnawed at your insides. glancing down, you noticed your phone's battery was dangerously low. the distraction of chatting with jisoo all night had made you forget the simple act of charging your phone.

with a sigh, you scrolled through your contacts and dialed the number of the villa. soonyoung had insisted you keep it handy in case you got lost or needed assistance. pressing the phone to your ear, you waited anxiously for someone to pick up.

"hello?" a voice answered from the other end. relief flooded through you. it wasn't your friends, but at least it was someone who could possibly help.

"hi! um i'm lost out here in okinawa, and i'm not really sure where i am," you explained, your voice tinged with apprehension.

"and what would you like us to do about it, ma'am?" the response was curt, sending a shiver down your spine. you stood there in shock for a moment before attempting to respond, but suddenly your phone turned off, leaving you in frustrated silence. damn it, i forgot how much i hate soonyoung's maids.

feeling a bit defeated, you shoved your phone back into your pocket and decided to explore the area in hopes of finding some familiar landmark. perhaps you might stumble upon jeonghan along the way, though you suspected he was probably far ahead of you by now.

back at the villa, as the maid hung up the phone, soonyoung rushed up to her, his expression filled with concern. "who was that?"

"it was miss chwe, i believe. she said she was los-" the maid's sentence was cut short as an angry junhui pushed past her, grabbing the phone and dialing jeonghan's number. it rang several times before jeonghan finally answered with a terse "hello."

"i recommend you cover your ears," jihoon advised soonyoung and the maid, a knowing look passing between the group as they obeyed, hands pressed against their ears. from beneath their hands, they could hear a heated exchange in chinese emanating from the phone. sometimes wonwoo claimed that junhui cursed in chinese, though it was a rare occurrence.

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