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𝟬𝟭𝟳 ; 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨

as the soft light of dawn filtered through your curtains, you slowly stirred from your restless slumber, only to be met with the heavy weight of exhaustion pressing against your eyelids

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as the soft light of dawn filtered through your curtains, you slowly stirred from your restless slumber, only to be met with the heavy weight of exhaustion pressing against your eyelids. blinking away the remnants of tears that had pooled during the night, you hesitated to face the day ahead. despite the gnawing hunger in your stomach, the thought of venturing downstairs for breakfast felt like an impossible task. you knew, however, that the inevitable knock on your bedroom door would come soon, disrupting the solitude you craved.

turning to your nightstand, your hand reached out instinctively for your phone, a lifeline to the outside world. the sight of jisoo and jeonghan smiling back at you from the wallpaper threatened to reopen the floodgates of your emotions. with a shaky breath, you tossed the device aside, unable to bear the weight of their gaze at that moment.

it wasn't anger that simmered beneath your skin; rather, it was a profound sadness that gripped your heart. the realization that jisoo, with his boundless love and kindness, had willingly sacrificed his own happiness for the sake of his brother's left a bitter taste in your mouth. his sweetness, once a source of comfort, now served as a painful reminder of the complexities of human relationships. witnessing this new facet of him had unsettled you to your core, leaving you adrift in a sea of conflicting emotions.

the sound of a gentle knock echoed through the stillness of your room, prompting a weary groan to escape your lips as you reluctantly rose from your bed. with heavy steps, you made your way to the door, each footfall a testament to the weight of the emotions swirling within you. as you swung the door open, there stood jisoo, his warm smile greeting you in the soft morning light.

"breakfast is read-" jisoo's sentence was abruptly halted by the sudden embrace that enveloped him, your arms wrapping around him instinctively. it was an impulsive gesture, driven by a mixture of longing and uncertainty that lingered in the air between you.

in that moment, as you held each other in a silent embrace, jisoo felt a pang of guilt gnawing at his conscience. it was a foreign sensation, one that left him feeling unsettled and unsure of its origin. perhaps it was the weight of revealing his brother's feelings towards you that weighed heavily on his heart, or maybe it was the realization of the inevitable consequences of his actions. whatever the reason, the guilt lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the fragile connection that bound you together.

"i'll be down in a minute," you mumbled in his shoulder "let's just stay like this for a while."

as the evening unfolded, it became apparent that your initial plan to grab breakfast earlier that morning had been sidelined

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as the evening unfolded, it became apparent that your initial plan to grab breakfast earlier that morning had been sidelined. after bidding jisoo farewell with a last hug, you returned to your room, only to be assailed by an unexpected wave of dizziness that sent you reeling, eventually collapsing onto the bathroom floor. the cause of your sudden illness eluded you; perhaps it was the ice cream from the day before, though jeonghan appeared unaffected. unfortunately, the unfortunate witness to your distress was none other than the ever-concerned junhui.

"goodness gracious!" he exclaimed, rushing to your side. swiftly, he attended to you, using a nearby paper towel to wipe your mouth clean gently. questions tumbled from his lips in rapid succession, his worry palpable. despite his insistence that you remain at the villa while the others ventured out to the beach, the weight of guilt settled upon you as you contemplated missing out on the final two days of the trip.

"maybe i should book a flight for you to come back, right?" your little brother asked anxiously over the phone.

"no, no, no, hansol. i'm fine, really. i'll get better, i promise!" you reassured him, despite the weakness in your voice.

he sighed audibly. "well, i'm glad you're having fun. i miss you a lot."

a smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "i miss you too, hansol, more than words can say. i've bought a lot of stuff for you and your friends over the past week!"

talking to your brother felt like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds. just hearing his voice and picturing his smile made your spirits soar. it was as if his laughter had the magical power to chase away your sickness, if only for a moment.

"you should go play with everyone!"

you pondered for a moment. despite feeling marginally better, the lingering effects of your illness were still noticeable. nevertheless, the medication you had taken earlier promised relief, and you hoped it would kick in soon. "okay, i will. i'll call you later, all right?" you affirmed, pushing yourself up from the bed with a sense of determination.

"you got it! talk to you later!" hansol's voice echoed with a mixture of concern and reassurance, punctuated by the mutual exchange of affectionate words before you bid each other farewell.

once the call ended, you took a moment to collect yourself, slipping into a pair of comfortable shorts and a light short-sleeved shirt. despite the temptation to stay indoors and rest, the allure of the beach beckoned, even if just for a leisurely stroll.

as you stepped out of the villa and onto the sun-kissed sands, you were greeted by the refreshing sea breeze and the gentle lapping of waves against the shore. it wasn't long before your presence caught the attention of a group of girls nearby, who hurried over to you with genuine concern etched on their faces.

"are you feeling better, yuri?" one of them inquired, her hand reaching out in a gesture of solidarity.

"junhui was so worried about you!" another chimed in, her expression mirroring the genuine worry of her companion.

grateful for their kindness, you offered them a reassuring smile. "i'm feeling better, ladies. thank you for worrying about me, but i can assure you that i'm fine."

their relief was palpable as they exchanged glances, clearly pleased to see you up and about. "we were wondering if you wanted to climb this rock with us? junhui said he won't let us unless you were here, but now you are!"

your spirits lifted at the invitation, a genuine sense of excitement bubbling within you. "i would love that, ladies!" you exclaimed, your grin widening at the prospect of shared adventure. yet, a subtle realization dawned upon you — junhui's insistence on your presence likely stemmed from a desire to ensure your well-being not thinking that you would come outside. "let's be quick though, ladies! we should run!"

a thoughtful frown creased the brow of one of the girls. "but wouldn't that make us more visible?"

you paused, briefly considering her point before a sudden burst of inspiration struck. "they won't notice if we go behind them! besides, the rock is kind of far from everyone else."

encouraged by your suggestion, the group nodded in agreement, their eagerness mirrored in their expressions. "let's run then!" they chorused, ready to embrace the spontaneity of the moment.

 "let's run then!" they chorused, ready to embrace the spontaneity of the moment

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i'm never going beast mode like this again/hj

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