Black Widow 5

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Alexei: You should've brought the Avengers' superjet.

Yelena: I swear, if I hear one more word from him, I will kick him in the face.

Anastasia: And I will gladly help you.

Natasha: (SOFTLY) He's the worst.

"Awe! Family bonding!" Shuri shouts out. Many laugh. Alexei is a little offended.

Alexei: Natasha. Natasha. Natasha. Come here, I want to ask you something. Come, it's important.

Natasha: What?

Alexei: Did he talk to you about me?

Natasha: What?

Alexei: Did he talk to you about me? You know, trading war stories?

Natasha: Who? What are you talking about?

Alexei: Captain America. My great adversary in this theater of geopolitical conflict. Not so much a nemesis. More like a contemporary, you know? Coequal. I always thought there was a great deal of mutual respect...

Steve is still incredibly confused. Everyone else is starting to be too. This guy has to be crazy or something.

Natasha: Wait. You haven't seen any one of us in 20 years and you're gonna ask me about you?

Alexei: What is with this tension? Did I do something wrong?

Yelena: Is that a serious question?

Anastasia: Are you legitimately up your own ass that much, you have to ask that?

Alexei: I only ever loved you girls. I did my best to make sure you would succeed to achieve your fullest potential, and everything worked out.

Natasha: Everything worked out?

Alexei: Yes. For you, yes. We accomplished our mission in Ohio. Yelena, you went on to become the greatest child assassin the world has ever known. No one can match your efficiency, your ruthlessness. And Natasha and Anastasia, not just spies, not just toppling regimes, destroying empires from within, but Avengers. You three have killed so many people. Your ledgers must be dripping, just gushing red. I couldn't be more proud of you.

"That is absolutely not something to be proud of! You raised monsters!" Molly screeches. Everyone rolls their eyes, missing how the statement affected the widows.

McGonagall rolls her eyes. She then proceeds to cast a very strong silencing spell on the redheaded woman. One that would surely stick til the end of this movie marathon.

Alexei looks down. Okay, he wasn't the best father. He knew that. But he did care about his girls.

Melina brings Natasha and Yelena in for a hug. She then started to recite comforting words to them in Russian.

Bucky tightens his grip on Ana. She wasn't a monster. If there was one thing that being married to each other had taught them, it was that neither of them were monsters.

(Natasha SCOFFS)

Yelena: Okay. You can... No. Let go of me now. You smell really bad.

Some people let some chuckles escape.

Yelena: So, are we there yet?

Alexei: You'll know when we're there.


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