Ch. 1

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 It's hard to explain the feeling. The whoosh and stomach dropping sensation followed by the hard crash against hard, cold pavement. The buzzing in your ears and haze in your head as you pulled yourself upright from the floor. The moment it took for your vision to settle and clear. The moment you saw yourself in New York; far away from your hometown. A tall tower, only known to you in movies and dreams, standing tall right in front of you.

It's a dream, another daydream. That's all. You have them all the time. You told yourself as you began to run towards the tower, the feeling that something was about to happen overtaking you. As you ran into the building, a strong powerful shake is felt through the building. The Chitauri. You knew that if this was the beginning of their invasion, Loki was upstairs and so was the scepter. So you found yourself taking the elevator as high as it would let you. Then taking two steps at a time in the stairs towards the top, in the hopes to get to Loki and figure out how to stop all of this.

Out of breath, you finally reached the room. Just in time to see Thor landing out in the balcony, calling Loki out. You cautiously walked over to the balcony, waiting for your chance. You watch as the two brothers are fighting among themselves, knowing that Loki would strike soon. Not on my watch.

"Look at this! Look around you! You think this madness will end with your rule?" Thor screamed out as he forced Loki to look onto the mess below them. You can see Loki look away, and you know deep down inside that this is not Loki, not the Loki you've grown to appreciate in the shows.

"It's too late. It's too late to stop it."

"No. We can. Together." Thor tries to reason with his brother and you make your move. You know Loki is fighting an internal battle, but you won't let him hurt Thor if you have a chance to stop it. Lunging forward you push Loki away from Thor, before he could hurt him. I'll just wake up from saving an Avenger. Your mind supplies as you find yourself pushing Loki off Thor and following him off the edge of the balcony. He immediately pushes off of you in confusion and promtly lands on a Chitauri chariot, giving you a dirty look as you continue to fall past him.

You close your eyes expecting to wake up in your warm bed. Opening them you realize your still falling, fast, towards the New York pavement. It's at this precise moment you come to realize – this isn't a dream. It's hard to explain the sheer terror, the scream that escapes your mouth as you come to the stark realization that the world around you is very much real. And the fall you found yourself in, was life threatening.


"There is a strange woman that has just tackled my brother off the ledge. Is she one of yours?" Tony hears Thor's voice boom through the comms.

"Thats not the way to talk about Widow, Point Break" He quipped back, focusing on scanning the Leviathan in front of him.

"That's not me." Natasha's voice rings out, the sounds of blows in the background. The Capsicle quickly, and somewhat worriedly replies back. "Then who is she? Anyone got eyes on this new player on the field?"

"Yeah Cap. But um, you're not going to love this..."

Tony left the Leviathan alone, finding no inherent weak spots. Turning back towards the tower, chasing more Chitauri chariots, he sees what Clint's talking about. A woman, screaming her head off, quickly making her way towards the streets of New York.

"Shit." Tony quickly, dodged aliens and falling debris. "JARVIS, give me a boost." His thrusters kicked in, in hopes to reach the woman before her unlikely demise. "I got her, I got her..." Tony spoke out, more to himself than to anyone listening. As he neared her, he could hear the expletives being screamed out of her mouth. Thankfully he scooped her up, at least a couple of feet from the ground. Her screaming abruptly stopping with the stop of her decent. "Someone's got a potty mouth." Tony said jokingly, trying to gauge the woman in his arms, seemingly gone still in shock. He decided the safest spot for her was currently back up on the tower she just fell from. So he quickly started to rise, still trying to gauge the woman. She currently looked up at him, eyes wide as saucers, but not in fear or shock. In disbelief.

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