Ch. 2

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They left you in the room alone, your tears and fears consuming you. You didn't realize when you let the days events finally pull you under into a dreamless sleep. You did however feel a small shake of someone trying to wake you up gently. "Wake up Sailor. I got you shawarma." You blinked your eyes open to see Tony kneeling in front of you, a small bag in his grasp. That's right, they went for shawarma afterwards. You righted yourself up and reached out for his outstretched hand. He slowly helped you up, then handed you the bag. "It would be more comfortable eating outside, and if you're ready we all still need to talk to you." You appreciated his kindness and soft words; he was treating you like an injured animal but you didn't take offense.

Nodding, you followed him out of the room quietly eyes cast downward as if hiding from curious eyes. You could feel the stares of all of them upon you, but you chose to walk with your head down until you reached the empty chair Tony offered you. You opened the bag in your hands, looked inside, and closed it back up again. Your stomach was in no condition to eat. Sighing you cast your eyes upwards, knowing you had to get over this sooner or later.

The eyes of The Avengers now looked much for forgiving, almost pitying. The sight you must've been earlier easing some of their apprehension. You locked eyes with Steve, who looked at you like a kicked puppy, and decided it was now or never. "I'm sorry if I scared you guys. That was never my intention."

"Scared wouldn't be how I'd put it..." Natasha chuckled, she was visibly more calm than your last interaction. You were about to quip back at her when Steve spoke up. "Y/N. We don't want to cause you more distress, but we need something's cleared up." His pitying expression hardened just a bit as he continued, "you displayed knowledge of certain events and inserted yourself in some curious situations. How and why? Who are you? Who are you working for?"

You shook your head vigorously, not wanting them to think you were some super spy (don't make me laugh!). "You guy's are going to think that I'm crazy and throw me in some god awful looney bin..." you mumble under your breath, knowing full well Steve can hear you fully.

"We promise to listen and understand what we can. If you haven't noticed, you're surrounded by unusual cases." Steve said as he approached you and put a gentle hand on your shoulder. Nodding silently, you agreed and knew they would or could be the only people that might ever believe you. Taking a small breath in, you braced yourself before speaking. "I'm not from this world." You said clearly for all of them to hear.

Tony shrugged and spoke simply, "Ok, so you're from space like Point Break over here?" Thor glanced at Tony then looked at you, waiting for a response. You shook your head, "no. I mean... I'm from Earth. Just... just not this Earth."

Bruce was the one to speak up after your declaration, "not this Earth? As in a parallel world?"

You shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is that in my world, this..." you motioned all around you. "You all..." motioning to them. "It's all fiction. Movies and shows I've watched for years about fictional characters." You expected them to be confused, but what you weren't expecting was a laugh from Clint. "You honestly expect us to believe that? That's the best story you got?" He picked up his bow and stretched it out, an arrow pointed straight at you. "Wanna try that one again?"

Your heartbeat picked up a tick, scared they might not believe you or worse. "I'm being honest with you! I know everything that has happened and will happen to you guys! I've watched all the movies and shows!" Clint pulled his arrow back a bit tighter, you could feel his fingers about to give way. "I can prove it!!!"

He released the tension and tilted his head at you. "Oh yea? How so?"

Quickly you realized you knew pretty much something about each of them, that they didn't know about each other. "I know things about you that everyone here doesn't. Secrets. Personal details. Somethings that nobody knows."

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