Ch. 9

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Your time in D.C. has been quite uneventful, apart from training and sparring sessions with both Steve and Nat. You try to train with them in a local gym that they both frequent at odd hours, staying away from SHEILD with the excuse that you and Fury never really left off on good terms. At night you would talk to Tony for hours, fill him in on your progress. You were staying with Nat for the most part, visiting Steve often, your friendship with him blossoming as he opened up to you about his past and life in the 40's. You eventually started to go out running with him in the mornings, finding your arc reactor heart could withstand and allow you to keep up with Steve pretty easily. With that new development, Tony mentioned he needed to monitor you more once you came back home. It was in one of those runs that the future you were waiting for caught up to you.

As you both walked up to the Washington Mall for your jog, you stopped to tie your shoes and a quick stretch. Steve took off, knowing eventually you would catch up to him. But when you finally started, you passed a man you recognized, and panic struck you. This was it. After this jog Nat would drive up for the mission that would be the first dominoes in the chain of events. You caught up to Steve and kept pace with him as he continued to taunt Sam. You smirked when after your final round around, he stopped to check in on him. Your took another quick round and then approached them as Steve reached over and helped Sam up.

"Yeah, I kind of put that together. Now her." Sam looked over at you still catching his breath. "Girl you just went toe-to-toe with Captain America, AND you took and extra lap!" You smile a warm smile at him, he was always one of your favorites. "Y/N. Pleased to meet you Sam." He looks confused and outstretches his hand towards you. "But. I didn't tell you my name..." Steve pats him on the back as you shake Sam's hand. Steve laughs a bit as he says, "She knows things. You get used to it." Sam looks doubly confused but starts to walk as you and Steve keep up with him.

"Weird. I mean not as weird as it must've been coming home from the whole defrosting thing I would think?" You take this as a cue and separate from them, walking towards the pickup point you know Nat will soon pull up in. You know their talking about their shared life experience so to speak, so you give them space. But then you catch Steve looking at his phone and you know Nat's about to show. As Steve starts making his way over, Sam looks at you and you wave at him. He waves back and screams to Steve. "Anytime you wanna stop by the VA, make me look awesome in front of the girl at the front desk, just let me know."

"I'll keep that in mind." Steve answers back. "He'll be there! See you soon Sam!" You shout out just as Nat pulls up. You head to the other side of the car as Nat rolls down the window.

"Hey, fellas. Either one of you know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil."

Steve opens the door, and chides at Nat. "That hilarious? You got one for Y/N?" Nat smirks back at you then looks towards Sam and winks. "Well, I've got a sailor on board? Can you point the way to the port?" You cackle at the lame joke and Steve rolls his eyes. "That was lame Nat." You say as you lean forward in the car to get one final look at Sam. Sam looks at Nat and winks back at her, "How you doing?" His playful smile warms your heart. "Hey." Nat responds, all cool.

Steve pats the car window frame and gets Sam's attention again. "Can't run everywhere."

Sam smiles back and rights himself. "No, you can't." You salute him and sit back just as Nat peels off the side of the road. And so, it begins.


While they're away you stress out at Nat's knowing what's to come, and how it's going to hurt Steve. You wish he'd let you tell you about it all. You tried ever since you came to D.C., but every time he shut you down. It was extremely frustrating. You had voiced your frustrations in your calls with Tony, and every time he told you that you were doing all you could. You waited for Steve at his place, knowing it would be a while before he came home. You knew he would be going down memory lane and would need a friend.

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