Ch. 18

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You swore under your breath as you heard sounds of a fight outside. The whole time you continued to break out of your prison, and if the bars budged, it wasn't nearly enough to let you through. So engrossed in your breakout attempt, you hadn't noticed or heard someone approaching. "You need some help there hun?" Nat's voice sounded like heaven in your ears, stopping your feeble attempt, you look up and see her leaning against the bars nonchalantly. As if a war wasn't waging outside.

"You're a sight for sore eyes." Nat smiled at that, and it was genuine, reaching up to her eyes. Then she took stock of you.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." You said as you tossed the wood to the side.

"The team's spread between here and the city. We need to contain this." Nat looked at you expectantly, as if waiting for you to divulge something.

Your heart sank that you couldn't be more help. Lowering your gaze to the floor, feeling ashamed, you replied to her meekly. "Nothing's happening as it should. I have no idea what to do Nat." You stood there silently, not daring to look up. It took a beat before Nat replied. "Back up."

Confused at her response, you look up to see an alien weapon in her hand. Taking the hint, you backed up into a corner of the room as Nat blew the iron door off its hinges. She promptly walked in, came straight for you, and took you into her arms for a hug. Shocked, you stiffened for a moment, and then relaxed in her embrace. Tears stung your eyes as she tightened her grip on you. After what felt like forever she pulled away, and you saw usually tough exterior has crumbled if just for a second. "We got this. Together."

You nodded, tears blurring your vision. "Together."

She pulled back but kept a hold on your forearms. "We gotta move." You let her pull you out of the room and towards her destination. But then suddenly you stop in your tracks, pulling Natasha to stop in her tracks as well. "Wha.." She follows your line of sight and stops trying to pull you. Turning to look at her you say, "how good are your computer skills?"

She looks at you and smirks, understanding in her eyes, "enough." You can't help but smirk back.


Tony swore under his breath, yet again, as he dodged a beam shot out by the unknown player. He grimaced as the beam shot down on the town, destroying homes below him. He prayed everyone had been evacuated before this began.

"Who is this? Is this another one of yours Stark?" Tony heard the super-fast, super-annoying, Sokovian man ask over the comms.

"This being possesses the stone Lady Y/N spoke of. Is this the Vision which she mentioned?" Thor asked as he deflected a beam with his hammer, shooting it back towards the assailant. It caused the machine to fall back, hard, onto a building. Giving them a second of reprieve.

Loki stood his ground nearby as he watched, waiting to pounce, as he spoke. "This is not what she described. This is something else. And I know it is not lost on you Stark how similar she looks to our dear Y/N."

Tony huffed in response, coming down to the ground to stand next to him. The breather was short lived when Ultron and his minions landed in front of them, blocking them from the assailant that had yet to rise back up. He heard Cap over the comms. "Stark you've got incoming. We're boarding the jet." "Incoming already came Cap." Panic rose in Tony with the thought that the team was coming his way. "Is Widow with you?" Tony could hear the commotion in the background, the sounds of the jet starting up. "No. Natasha still hasn't called in. I'm sure everything is ok." Tony could tell Steve was trying to placate him, but his unease knowing that Natasha was still out there looking for the woman he loved didn't let the words sink in. He stared down Ultron, who had yet to make a move, as if he was waiting for something. The figure behind him stirred and got to its feet, slowly making its way next to Ultron.

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