Ch. 14

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You were practicing controlling the IRON MAIDEN suit while Tony watched and took notes, when Steve walked into the lab. Steve coming to the lab usually only meant one thing. "Another mission?" Your voice comes out distorted and robotic from inside the suit. He looks at you and sighs, for some reason it looks like he's forcing his smile. "We're pushing out in thirty. It's all hands on deck for this one." You watch as Tony sighs and puts down the Stark Pad in his hands. "Rock of Ages staying behind, right?" Tony said as he turned to Steve. Ever since Thor and Loki's arrival, Tony's breathed a little easier when he had to go to missions since Loki would always stay behind. Steve nodded and turned to walk out, calling out behind him as he did, "thirty minutes Tony."

"Yeah, yeah I get it Capsicle." Tony remarks as Steve leaves. "Alright sweetheart, we'll finish this when I come back?" You exit the suit, without tripping this time, and smile at the feat. You walk up to Tony and place your hands on his chest. "Tony. Did you forget about the party?"

You watch as Tony's eyes widen obviously remembering what he had clearly forgotten. "That's this weekend?" Tony had organized a launch party for your official introduction into the Avengers as the Iron Maiden. He thought it would be wise to let people know you were equipped to kick ass if need be, almost as a deterrent for Rumlow if he got and crazy ideas. "Yep."

Tony sighs but kisses your head before pulling away. "Well, we were due for a party anyways." You hum in agreement. You follow him to the elevator and stop right at the door. "I'll see you when you come back Tones."

"See you baby." And when the elevator door closes you head back into the lab to keep practicing.


Tony hates to keep things from her, but it started as a way to let her recover before stressing her out further. It was a group decision. But then it became something else for Tony, his obsession to keep her safe. After their reconciliation he had improved in his terror and need to keep her safe; at least outwardly. He told the team that telling her about the scepter would make her want to join in on missions, so they reluctantly agreed to keep it from her. He stopped locking himself away in his lab and away from her; but he took every available moment alone in the lab to work on his ultimate goal. The ULTRON project. The perfect sentinel to protect the world, to protect her.

As he boarded the quinjet, he was met with the team all looking at him disappointingly. He sighed as he closed the jet bridge behind him. "I know. But after this mission we're done." They all nodded silently. He knew none of them liked keeping you in the dark, but they were in too deep already. It was time to get the scepter back.


When Helen Cho walked into the living quarters your heart rose to your throat. You've known Helen for a time now, she's been working with Tony in bringing her cradle to life in a way that would be doable for the general public. But her presence here in the tower during a mission usually meant an injury and a trip to the cradle. Which means someone is returning hurt. "Helen? Who is it?"

She smiles at you softly. "No clue. I'm going to go set up in Banner's lab. You're more than welcome to join me." You nod and follow; busy hands make for less thinking. You nod at Maria Hill as she comes in and make sure everything is set up, and then exists just as quickly as she entered. Not soon after is Clint rolled in, Natasha at his side. He looks better than what your mind had drawn up for any of them, so you let outa small breath of relief. Assisting Nat, you helped Clint onto the cradle. Nat smiled at you, "you got him? I gotta debrief." You nod and stay by Clint's side, assisting however you can.

Bruce walks in with Nat after their debrief, Clint's procedure is almost complete. Nat looks to Helen, a teasing look on her face. "You sure he's going to be okay? Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together." You give Nat a side-eye, "not funny Nat."

Helen chuckles, "there's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacrum."

Bruce, as always, is amazed with Helen's work. "She's creating tissue."

"Oh. He's flatlining. Call it. Time?" Tony's words struck a chord in you. You've heard that line before... but it had been when they recovered the mind stone. But you hadn't even heard them mention the scepter, so maybe things have shifted? The future has evolved and change, and you're knowledge may start becoming useless.

You had zoned out a bit but came back to the conversation when Tony invites Helen to the party Saturday. "Tony... darling. She already has an invite."

"Right. Right. Well, that's why you're in-charge sweetheart. I'm no good for that shit. Banner?" Bruce nods and they both exit the lab, probably working on the Hulk Buster some more, they've been working out some kinks on it lately. You take the moment that Helen has now left, that it was just Clint, Nat and you; to talk privately amongst yourselves.

"How's Laura doing Clint? It's been a while since I've talked to her." You ask as you help Clint out of the cradle. "The little ones are driving her up a wall. If I don't rush home after this party, I'm looking at one hell of an angry wife when I get home."

Nat pats his back as we head out of the lab and towards the elevator. "I would say we'll go to bat for you..."

You laugh and continue, "but we're not stupid enough to go against Laura. Even on a good day." The three of you decide to relax and have some downtime, and you don't even notice how late Tony comes to bed. That night, and the next couple of nights.


You've just slinked on the red dress you specifically selected for the party, but you're having trouble getting the zipper up. "J?" You sigh when he doesn't answer. You're about to call out again, when Tony steps into the room. "Oh. Thank god! There you are!"

He smiles and comes over to kiss you. "Need help sweetheart?"

"Yes, please."

His hands trail down your back and then back up again, slipping the straps of the dress off your shoulder. "Tones!" You can feel his lips on your shoulder. "What? You said you needed help honey. I'm just doing as I'm told." His lips keep peppering the expanse of your back, his hands slowly peeling the dress further down. You try to hold it up, but he shocks you when he gives a small bite in your neck; it gives him the opportunity to push the dress all the ways down and pool on the floor. You turn to face him, and he watches you hungrily. "Nope. Not happening right now. Not going to be late to our own party." He pouts and it makes you smile. "But honey... you look just too damn fine." Your smile turns devilish. "Well keep the memory in your mind. For later tonight." He groans in frustration, as you turn around. "Now zip. Then go get handsome. So I can rip it off of you later." He groans even louder this time. "You're killing me baby..." You just laugh and he does as he's told.

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