Ch. 3

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Stepping out of the SHIELD issued vehicle in a cornered off area in Central Park, I couldn't help but feel out of place. I had seen this scene at the end of The Avengers movie, and it still felt wrong that I was now in it. But nonetheless I stepped out of the vehicle with Natasha, Bruce and Clint. I followed them towards the rest of the group which started to gather around Thor and Loki. As everyone neared, they exchanged pleasantries, waiting for Slevig to arrive with the contraption he built with Thor's help to bring Loki back to Asgard.

I took that moment to approach Loki and speak to him quietly. "I know you." Loki looked at me, his gaze felt as if he wished he could burn a hole through me. "I know the real you. The man behind this mask. I know that deep down all you've ever longed for was to feel a part of something, to belong." His gaze didn't soften, but his head tilted as if curious. "I need to tell you something. And maybe you won't believe me. Maybe you will at some point...." You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt (one that Natasha graciously found for you) wondering if this was a good idea. If this would change everything you knew. "But I want to help avoid something if I can." His glare softened just a bit, his face looking more and more curiously at you. "When you feel the urge to help someone from your prison, just to spite your father... please don't." You left it vague in hopes that it wouldn't mess things up too much, but hoped it would spare Frigga's life; in turn sparing Thor and Loki so much pain. "I'm here when you want to talk..."

You sighed and ducked your head as you walked away from Loki quietly. Hoping no one noticed or heard the exchange.


From the corner of his eye he saw her talking to Reindeer Games. He didn't like the way the god looked at her, as if she was something to eat. What could she even want to say to monster that wreaked havoc to this very city? Tony's curiosity peaked when as she backed away from the god, and he looked at her softly, almost yearningly. Behind his glasses Tony's gaze burned towards the madman, anger in him flaring. For the destruction he's caused. He told himself internally. Not because of the way he looked at her.


You watched as Steve stared at the Tesseract with nothing but hate as Bruce lowered it into the contraption. You walked up to him, as Thor spoke to Selvig. "Steve. Can I talk to you for a second?"

He nodded as he watched the Tesseract from the corner of his eye. "What can I do for you ma'am?"

"Please. Just Y/N. Ma'am sounds like you're talking to your granny." You smiled at him and he returned it, but kept silent waiting for you to speak. "I need to tell you something. But I'm worried how it will change things."

He now gave you his full attention, understanding your knowledge of past and future events in this world. "Change things for the better? Or for the worse?"

Sighing you look at him dead in the eyes. "I don't know." Now fidgeting with your nails, you speak without looking at him. "If I tell you, things might change for the worse. Maybe a small small chance for the better? I can't be sure. If I change things... I won't know how future things will happen. And then something worse can happen..." You start rambling about futures and consequences and change. Running yourself into a quick spiral. All of a sudden you feel Steve's heavy hands on your shoulders, causing you to pause and look up.

"Then don't tell me." You don't reply, but he continues. "If things continue the way they're supposed to, will everything be okay in the end?"

Your heart breaks, knowing the true answer isn't so black and white. "Yes. But..."

"Then don't tell me." He smiles at you and starts to back away. You grab his wrist before he could leave from your space. Your voice low, almost pathetically weak whispers "but if I don't... you'll never forgive me." He smiles at you even softer, patting your hand on his wrist with his other hand. "I'm sure that's not the case Y/N. Everything will happen as it should." He pats your wrist one more time before freeing his hand and walking away to watch Thor and Loki disappear. You stand in the spot he left you, worried that everything you know will happen. Nothing will change. And the people you've grown to love from these stories, people who are very real right now will suffer. In the end they'll suffer because you let them.

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