Ch. 15

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The "launch" (if you can call it that, since they never really let you in on missions) of IRON MAIDEN was a hit. Tony had brought out the suit in sentry mode, flanked by some of the IRON LEGION that he usually uses for collateral damage and cleanup crew on missions. He made a big spectacle of introducing you, having you walk down the stairs into the main party area so that the press could get their pictures. The whole team came together for some pictures at the end, and then the party really got underway.

The party was also a soft launch for Loki. It had been announced, a bit after his arrival back to Earth that he was being "re-habilitated" here by the Avengers. He rarely left the tower, but that was something you wanted to help change. Make him less of a prisoner of sorts in this tower, and more part of the team. This party would help that.

You spent most of your time either at the bar, nabbing seriously dangerous cocktails that Nat kept mixing up and talking to Loki who rarely separated from the bar; or mingling with guests and press, Tony attached to the hip, showing you off. It was when most everyone left and the party became more personal, that you felt Nat's drinks really hit you. You were all on the couches laughing at some stupid joke Clint had said, and you giggled uncontrollably like a little school girl.

"Someone is a little drunk..." Tony whispered in your ear as he pulled you in closer, his grip on your waist sending shivers throughout your body. You giggled a bit more, shaking your head no. "No. I'm not drunk."

"Could've fooled me sweetheart."

You playfully push Tony away and get up heading to the bar in search of a particular drink. You can hear the group laughing and rallying around the table and you internally smile at just how carefree and happy everyone is at the moment. Even Loki peeled himself away from the bar and at least sat on the couches near the merriment, although he wasn't engaging in the source of all the ruckus. You decide before you grab your drink to sneak away to the restroom, stumbling down the hall, giggling as you go. By the time you stumble back to the bar you can tell you missed out on some shenanigans, you zone out the laughing as you focus your hazy drunk mind on your original objective. Looking for your favorite gin, up down and all around the bar stumbling a bit with your impaired coordination, you find that you're out. You decide to make a memo to remind yourself to get some more. "Hey J?" No reply. Weird. "J?" Silence.

You pout as you round the bar and "Hey Tones?" You look over to everyone and see Thor lifting his hammer, and you tilt your head in confusion. Why does this look so familiar? Your impaired brain struggles with the confusion momentarily when a loud screeching noise blares out, causing you to cover your ears and wince at the sound. As it fades, you right yourself and watch as a mangled LEGION suit appears. Your hazed brain at once sobers, and you turn your head to Tony so fast it causes whiplash. How? How is this even possible? The hurt that courses through you when you almost instantly realize that you had been left out of the loop makes you stagger, when Ultron decided to speak.

"Worthy... No, how could you be worthy? You're all killers." The voice must have sobered everyone else as well, but the chill of his voice sent panic through your veins, you knew what this machine could do and what it would cause.

"Stark." Steve's voice is strong, official, and you know he's primed for an attack.

"JARVIS." Tony calls out, but you know he won't answer. Now it makes sense why he hadn't answered just moments before, you feel so stupid for not recognizing all the signs.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or... I was a- dream?" You watch from the corner of your eye as Tony struggles with his pad, trying to control what you know he has no control over.

"Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy suit." Your adrenaline spikes, your breathing quickens. You know a full out fight is about to happen, so you kick off your heels slowly so as not to catch Ultron's attention.

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