Ch. 26

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Tony hadn't touched a drink since Y/N left. He'd cleaned up, talked with Raynor a couple of times, and stayed dry. It wasn't much progress, but it's better than nothing. He really can't heal, can't move past this. Not without you. Any other man wouldn't admit it, but Tony can. You are the force that drives him to be a better man, to accept things, to work through them. Without you all he can do is occupy his time. He tinkers.

The team all pass by in intervals, checking up on him. Assuring themselves that he's eating and taking breaks. Tony would never admit it out loud, his sarcasm always beating the truth out, but this team (family) means the world to him. He's grateful for everything they do for him.

Tony is tinkering away in the lab when Natasha comes in. "Meal break, metal-man." Tony hummed and soldered the last little bit he had to do before pushing away from the work bench. "Alright I'm done. Lead the way Widow." She smiled at Tony, glad to see he was listening to his friends. They both left the lab and walked towards the kitchen, where the smell of Sam's latest creation was wafting in the air.

"Smells good pigeon!" Tony exclaimed as they entered the kitchen.

Sam poked his head around Steve, who seemed to be grabbing plates and silverware, "keep calling me pigeon and you won't get to eat Stark!"

Tony chuckled. Actually chuckled. A baby step towards the right direction. Steve started setting up the large table, while others started to take their seats. As Tony went to grab his chair, JARVIS spoke up.

"Sir. Sailor has returned in the front lawn."

It was lightning quick, his reaction. One might say a quicker reaction than the Super Soldier himself. He ran out the kitchen, past the glass doors, straight into the front lawn. His heart beating erratically, his breaths coming in pants, he probably looked like a complete mess. But Y/N... she looked... like a goddess personified. She looked different. Her skin was glowing, her hair was lighter and longer, and the dress she was wearing... well it left little to the imagination. He wasn't certain, but he probably looked like an ogling, gaping fish.

"Tony..." Her voice sounded sweet as honey, and soft as a bell. He stood there, completely awestruck, too dumbfounded to speak.

When she started walking towards him, it was as if she was floating, the gown parting in the movement to show her long smooth legs. He couldn't take his eyes off her, couldn't move a muscle. Before long, she stood in front of him, a patient look graced her face.

"Tony?" Her voice snapped him back to reality and he found his voice again.


The way he looked at you made you wonder if Loki was being truthful, and you had only been gone a couple of days. When you called his name a second time he finally replied. "Sweetheart..." That one word conveyed so much. You could hear the pain, the longing, the regret and the fear in just that one word. You took his face between your hands and pressed your forehead to his. You felt him release a shuttering breath, deep emotion bubbling beneath.

"Oh sweetheart..." He whispered in your hold, and you can feel him trying to keep his composure in your hands.

"I know Tones... I know. It's okay. We're going to be okay..." You say softly, still pressed against his forehead, not intending to move from this embrace. It was eventually Tony who pulled back, his own hands coming to caress your face.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." You watch as his eyes water and you can't help but feel your own emotions bubbling up as well. When he swipes his thumb across your cheek, clearing away a tear you hadn't even noticed you shed, you grab the back of his shirt and pull him into a tight embrace.

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