Ch. 28

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You enlisted your fiancé (you still couldn't get over the fact that you were engaged) to help you with a program to pinpoint Bucky's exact location. You obviously knew that around this time, since you already passed what would've started the Sokovia Accords, he was in Bucharest. Now where exactly in Bucharest you didn't know, that's where Tony came in. He went ahead and programmed JARVIS to look out for "Robo Cop", gave you a kiss and let you do your thing; promising you if you needed anything else from him, he was there for you.

It was ridiculous how quickly JARVIS found him, which only makes you shake your head at how things would have played out differently in the movies had communication been better. Thankfully you were here now, and things had changed. With a pinpointed location, you, Sam and Steve decided to take a flight on over and convince Bucky that it was time to come home and out of hiding.

You decided to approach him first, by just knocking on his apartment door. Steve and Sam both stayed at a distance, waiting for your all clear to approach. Bucky answered the door, only a crack. He stared at you through the crack of the door, and you could see some recognition in his eyes. "Can I come in? I just want to talk..." You said, patiently waiting for him to decide. For a moment you thought he would slam the door in your face, and when he closed the door you worried, he was going to run. You were pleasantly surprised when you heard the chains come off the door and he opened it wide, stepping to the side to let you in. You gave him a small smile and passed the threshold quietly, listening as he closed and locked the door completely once you were inside. You turned to face him once you were in the middle of the bare room. He stood by the door, not making an effort to get near you. You decided to start simply. "Do you know me?"

You waited a breath or two before he answered. "I don't know you. But I remember you."

You gave him a small smile. "You saved me." He simply nodded. "Thank you for that."

He whispered, "You're welcome. You look different..." You smile a little at the comment. The conversation came to its natural conclusion, and you both stood there looking at each other.

You decided it was time to press him a little further. "What else do you remember?"

"My name is James Buchanan Barnes."

You nod. "Does the name Steve mean anything to you?" You watch him and see a flash of recognition in his eyes, but he quickly snuffs it out.

"Captain America. I read about him in a museum." His whole body is stock still, ready to book it out of there at a moment's notice.

You sigh, knowing and understanding his reasoning for lying. "We both know that's a lie." You say and watch him stare you down. Eventually, he sighs as well and deflates a little.

"It is." To hear him admit it out loud makes you celebrate internally, knowing this is a huge step for Bucky.

You slowly motion to the small table by the kitchen, trying not to spook him with fast and harsh movements. "Can we sit?" He makes a non-committal sound but walks away from the front door and towards you and the table. You take that as an affirmative and situate yourself in one of the chairs. When he finally sits down across from you, you take him in fully. He looks less lean than when you first met him, undoubtedly from the freedom of being able to eat whatever he wants, but by no excuse did he look out of shape. He didn't look well rested though; sleep was probably something that still was giving him issues.

He's watching you, either analyzing you or waiting for you to make the next move. "I'm a friend of Steve's..." you start off with, watching his reactions as you continue. "My name is Y/N." He repeats your name lowly, as if testing out how it sounds coming from his mouth. You kept speaking, "He's been giving you space and time to yourself. But he's ready... we're ready to help you if you're ready. We can give you a safe space, help you heal..."

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