First chapter

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Empty house, empty mind, lovely hearts.

I got home to a quiet and empty house, like always. My dad's at work and the boys are probably on schedule to, I don't know how late.

I shut the door and threw my bag somewhere as I walked further in. I opened the door to the music room. Our family is what other family's call rich, but believe me, we're not. Rich people have their own driver, and butlers, maids and stuff like that. We don't, we only have a big house. It's not like we are rich, my grandparents are rich, so I know how a rich person are living. Okay we have money but we don't like to spend it on bad stuff. So we don't call ourselves rich.

The music room was something that was placed here after everyone moved in. We had a piano before but that was the only instrument we had. Now we have five guitars, our piano, a keyboard, drums, basses and other instruments I don't even know the name on.

I loved to play the piano. Ever since I was little I have played, I became happy when I played and when I heard someone playing the piano. It was just something my life was made of. Ever since my mother passed away my life became this black hole. My dad's almost never home, due the work and the traveling he have to do due his work. And my brother have a serious schedule that no human should be able to have. So when I felt like this shitty lonely person, no one was there to comfort me. The only thing that could make me smile at those times where the piano. I always remember when mom played it and what she used to tell me.

"Always smile when you play the piano, Hana. Let it know that you are happy to listen to it's beautiful tunes."

I sat down by the piano and smiled as I played. I played one of my favorite songs, it was Don't go by EXO. I know, I know. Having a favorite song by your brother is a bit weird, but hey, it's a great song.

I played it over and over again, and I couldn't hear anything besides the music that was coming from the piano. I began to sing as I played and a small tear escaped my eye as I sang, but I was still smiling. I played the song over and over again. Soon I lost track in time. All I did was playing that song and sang it.

Suddenly a hand tapped my shoulder making me jump almost to the roof. I looked back to see Chanyeol standing there with a scared face, just like mine. It's so typical him, getting scared from scaring someone. He's a real dork. A big idiot. Clumsy and weird. Cute and funny. Wait what? No, I mean... H-he's an idiot...

"Wah! Hana don't scare me like that." I shoot him a glare as I stood up. Chanyeol was really tall, and I was... well... I wasn't short, but I didn't even reach his shoulder. I was somewhere between his chest and his hip... Well it's not my fault that he was a tall giant. Speaking of giants, my brother is one too. He isn't as tall as Chanyeol but he was close.

"You scared me! Don't take my words!" I said as I threw a light punch in his chest.

"Yah! Shouldn't you respect your oppa? Don't hit me!" Chanyeol tried to dodge my punches.

"That was for scaring me!" I said as I threw a last punch at him.

"Oppa." I said in sarcasm, and Chanyeol laughed.

We walked out from the music room together as we talked about nothing. Like we always do.

"Oh~ Hana? You where home?" Sehun asked as we walked into the kitchen, earning all the boys turn in our direction. Smiles grew on their faces as they saw me.

"Yeah. I was in the music room for quite a while." I said as I went to the fridge and took a bottle of water.

"Ah~ our dongsaeng was practicing on the piano?" Sehun said in a smile as he came up to me and ruffled my hair, making me look up at him annoyed.

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