A psychopath's smile is called a smirk

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*Hana's Pov.*

His hot sticky breath touched my neck, and I shuddered. I could feel he was smiling, even though he didn't touch me.
"Oh, Hana... You've become sexy since last time I saw you." His smile could be heard in his voice. My whole body trembled as his dark voice spoke, and I could hear his sharp laugh in the air.
His hand caressed my arm up and down. I didn't have the courage to see the man. I didn't want to meet his stare, I already know that it was cold. I didn't have to see his face to figure that out.
"D-don't...." I jerked back my arm and tensed as I felt the wall on the other side against my other arm.
"There's nothing you can do. Remember Hana, nothing you can do. You have already a fate, so have your mom here. Her last breath was a couple of minutes ago..." His lips touched my ear as he talked, and I could feel that he was smiling. Tears started to fall from my eyes and I whimper as his cold hand made its way up my body, and to my neck. I felt how it gripped strongly on my throat, and took my breath away. I couldn't stop him. I was to scared to do anything. I didn't want to die, I didn't want to. I could feel the soft and wet tip of his tongue licking up some of the blood on my cheek. I whimper again as my hands were now on his, trying to free myself.

"Myungsoo! Let the girl go." A darker and stronger voice echoed in the room, and soon his hand was off my throat, I could breath again. I was laying on the floor, coughing and trying to breath as tears were streaming from my eyes.
"I'm gonna see you again... Soon... Wait for me Hana..." His words echoed in my mind as I laid there, my bloody hands caressing my hurting throat as more tears left my eyes, and my cries were the only thing that could be heard.

*End of Pov. *

Her scream was adorable. I wish I could listen to it all day, but I know that's impossible, her voice is soon going to give up on her and no one will hear her ever again.
I pulled out the knife from her chest in a smirk. It always felt good, seeing the look on their faces. I loved it, always surprised and horrified.

"Oh Guyri, I wouldn't waste my last breath like you did." I smirked as I looked at the bloody knife. I brought it up to my mouth and licked off some blood as I looked into her eyes.
"Tasty." I said as I licked my lips, I saw how scared she was, and that made me even more exited.
Soon her body fell down limp and I knew she was dead. I smirked in satisfaction as I saw her dead body on the floor.

"Oppa~ Oppa~" I could hear my little sisters voice from afar and her small almost soundless steps coming closer. I quickly walked out from my own little secret room and locked the door. I sat down on the bed and opened the book as I pretended to read when her little hand opened the big door.

"Oh, Bora~" I said in my cutest voice as I walked over to her after putting the book back down on the bed.
"Oppa~ I want to go to the park~ Dad said you have to follow~" I smiled at her as I bend down and lift her up so she was in my arms.
"Well then lets go!" I said as I walked out my room with her in my arms.
"Oh, and Joshua is gonna come too..." She said in a less happy tone. She was right with the less happy tone. He wasn't really our favorite sibling if I say it like that.

"Oppa, oppa! Look~ I can swing by myself~!" Bora shouted from afar, and I turned around to see her happily swing by herself. We were in the park again, and Joshua was no where to be seen. I had to keep an eye on him, dad's order... So I walked around to find that son of a bastard.

I walked past two children, a girl and a boy. The boy was probably older than the girl, and the girl looked like she was in the same age as Joshua. She was cute and she was smiling all the time, as her brother danced for her.

I walked past them to search for Joshua, not that I wanted to but because I had to.
I found him standing by the climbing frame. He stood there, watching the girl and the boy I walked past before.

"Hey, Joshua!" I shouted making him jump, surprised to hear me. I smiled as I walked up to him. "Don't just stand there. I didn't came out here to baby sit you if you were just gonna stand there looking at them. I have more important things to do." I said as I thought back at Guyri who was still lying on the floor in the locked secret room. At least it was secret.

"I hope you feed her... To keep her alive... she shouldn't live so much longer if you keep hitting her." My eyes turned darker as I heard that, was he seriously seeking a fight with me?

"I hope you don't die before the sunset... It would be such a loss to lose my brother..." I was showing my "love" towards him... Sort off... Or just wanting to say it... It can happen. I smirked as I thought of smelling his blood.

"I'm sorry, hyung.... Don't hurt me..." He started to cry, I liked that sight.
"It's not hurt if you do it with love." Those words do I say a lot.

"Oppa!" That girl's voice shouted and Joshua turned around to see what had happened to her. I saw that she had fallen, and she had scrubbed up her knee. Her blood looked so shiny and red. So tempting.

"Hana are you okay?" Her brother ran up to her as he investigated her knee. "Oppa. It hurts." She cried. So her name was Hana...
"It will be fine... It's just a small graze, Hana. Here I'll give you a piggy back home."

"So you like her, huh? Was it her you were spying on?" I said and another time I saw how he jumped in surprise.

"She's cute." I said as I smirked, he had turned around to look at me.
"It's cool. I'm not into small girls like her... I wait until I find them yummy." I licked my lips and turned around and made my way to Bora who was still sitting on the swing where she sat before I left her.
I found her cute, yes, but it was true. I don't do small girls, I wait until the are as I said yummy. So I can do whatever I like to them.
I'm gonna wait until he got the nerves to say anything to her. Maybe then I'm gonna strike, in a couple years, that's probably how long it would take him to say "hi" to her.
I laughed to myself as I sat down on the swing next to Bora.

"Oppa, what's so funny?" Bora asked with her sweet little voice. "Planning something fun again?" Gosh I loved her, she was just like me.
"You're always right, Bora." I said as I pet her head and I could see how she smiled her little cute evil smile.


Hello~ long time no see! I'm sorry for not updating this story for a long time... But I hope you liked this chapter!^^

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