The End

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*Chanyeol's POV*

I stayed by her side all week. They told me she could go home soon if she was feeling alright. They said that she responded to the surgery different from the others, she felt sicker and needed more medications than the other patients they had treated. They said it could have been because of how she was treated by Myungsoo, that she was beaten a lot and her health had dropped hysterically.

But she will be fine, she already looks and feel a lot better. I'm so glad that she tells me that she's fine and that she wants to come home. I personally think it's better for her to stay at the hospital until she's 100% great. I want her to be healthy so she can live on better, and forget all the bad things that had happened to her. Even though I know it's hard, I will always be by her side. To cheer her up and to make her forget all the bad things.

I smiled as she sat up in her bed. I walked into the room and she smiled back at me. I hadn't been gone for long, I just dropped by to buy her some proper food. She gazed down to see the bag of food and she smiled brighter.

"Pizza?" I asked and she smiled and patted the chair next to her. I sat down and brought out the small pizzas I had bought at the convenience store near by.
"Did you warm these up?" She asked, her voice back to her normal happy tone.
"Yepp, they have a microwave at the waiting room." I smiled and she laughed.
"Eat." I said and she started to dig in. Pizza was one of her favorite foods. She loved them and I thought she probably would be sick of the hospital food; I know I was. It wasn't the greatest, but not the worst ether.

"They said that I could come home tomorrow..." Her little voice broke the silence of our lunchtime. I looked up at her and she smiled, somewhat nervous and maybe a little bitter.
"Is dad still here?" She asked and I nodded my head.
"Sehun told me he had checked into a hotel, Sehun even paid for the room." She bit her lip.

"He hasn't been here that much..." She looked down, she was sad, I could see that. She was practically abounded by her dad after her mother died. And now she's in the hospital, and he hasn't visited her since he and Sehun walked away to 'talk'.

"It feel's like he doesn't care about me... About Sehun... We're his family, and yet he can't be in the same room as me..." She sighed as she tugged on the cover that laid over her small body.

"And I mean, he hasn't been at home for what seems like years..." A tear slipped down her cheek as she talked. I grabbed her hand. I wouldn't let her feel lonely. I kissed her hand and she looked at me.

"Don't think of that. You have me, you have all of us. Me, Sehun and the rest of the boys, we always will be your family." I said and looked into her eyes. She smiled at my statement. I smiled back.
"I know... I'm sorry..." She said as she looked down.
"Don't be." I said and she smiled back at me.
"You'll be back home tomorrow; it'll be like before." I said and she sighed, nodding her head.
"You're right. I shouldn't be sad now. Myungsoo and the baby is gone, I should be happy." She said and looked at me. She didn't sound happy though.


Hana's pov

I held Chanyeol's hand as we walked out from the mini-van. I was glad that there weren't many reporters waiting for us, as it had been outside the hospital. We ignored all of them and walked into the house, getting greeted by everyone. I smiled at them as Chanyeol closed the door.

"Hana! God what I've missed you!" said Tao as he gave me a hug, making Chanyeol slightly snarl. I laughed as Tao let me go and hid behind Chen.
"It's great to be back." I smiled and looked at them all. It really was good to be back, to be like it was before.

My gaze was on the TV. We had agreed to have a movie marathon the rest of the day. I leaned against Chanyeol's arm, feeling his warmth against my skin. It was nice being back, being back in this sofa, leaning against Chanyeol while watching a movie. Like it had been before Myungsoo came into the picture.

I rested my eyes a little as the sound of the movie was playing in the background, as a loud yet somewhat quiet lullaby. With the warmth of Chanyeol's arm, I drifted off into a sleep. A colorful dream lingered in my mind, a dream of a near future. A dream of Chanyeol next to my side, wearing a black tuxedo as I had a white wedding dress. I smiled in the dream as he turned to me, a ring in his hand. He smiled before he put the ring around my finger. I smiled back at him before he kissed me. More passion than ever.

I wish that was true, and I hoped it would become true. A marriage between me and Chanyeol. A marriage between a superstar and the sister of one of his band members. Park Chanyeol and Hana Oh, soon to be Mrs. Park.


*Chanyeol's POV *

She was stunning, even when she was asleep. Her head was resting on my arm, as I had fallen asleep last night hugging her. I was happy she was back, I really was. I brushed away some strands of hair behind her ear, showing more of her pretty face to my eyes. She looked safe, carefree of everything now that Myungsoo wasn't out there anymore. I was too, more carefree now. I couldn't be happier that he had been captured by the police. But I could've been happier if they had let him to die in that holding cell, instead of getting him healthcare.

He deserved to be left to die. A psychopath like him won't be missed if he died. But the only thing that matters to me, is that Hana is safe. She's home and safe. She is healthy now after the surgery. And I know that we will be taking care of her till the end of days. I won't let her leave my side, I won't let her feel alone.

"You're awake?" Hana's soft voice brought me back to reality. Her drowsy eyes were weak and tired, her eyelids too heavy to be hold open. I smiled and kissed her nose.

"You're so cute when you just woken up." I smiled and she closed her eyes a little. She shoved herself a little closer to me, pressing her face against my chest and smiled at the warmth I gave her.

"Can we just stay like this forever?" She asked. I smiled at the way she talked, her breath touching my skin. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, bringing her closer to me. I lowered my head onto hers and inhaled the scent of her shampoo, it was sweet and flowery.

"I would like that." I said as I stroke her soft hair.

"I would like that a lot." 

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