He's Back?

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Giving your heart to someone is like giving a thief the keys to your house.

*Hana's Pov. *

I was lying on the floor, crying with my hands full of blood. I was in deeply pain.
"M-mom?" My words was unsure. I shook her body. She didn't pen her eyes.

"M-mo-mom?" I raised my voice. Still no answer.

My hands where tied together, hard. The blood on my hands where mostly my own as my leg was broken and the room spun from my loss of blood. I was dizzy and thirsty.

"Mom, wake up. I'm scared!" I sobbed out as I shook her. Soon I saw the blood on her stomach, I lifted her shirt slowly with trembling hands. I got a shock when I saw the big scar under the loose white, now red, shirt.

"Mom? Mom?!" My tears fell onto her scar and down to the bloody floor.

"She's not gonna wake up. Just stop wasting your breath." I turned around, shocked to hear a voice, and landing on my broken leg, causing more pain and blood flow out from the open wound. I screamed from the intense pain.

"Oh, shush Hana. You'll be fine." The voice came closer as I crawled backwards. Hitting the wall, I had nowhere to go.

"Oh, Hana. You don't know how much I wanted to see you." The guy came out from the shadows with a smile on his face.


"I'm back!"

"When I get out, I'm coming for you Hana!" His words was in my head. His last words before he went to prison.

Her blood was on my hands, red and fresh.
"Don't blame anyone..." Her words where in a whisper.
"Mom?" Tears fell down my face, landing on hers.
"It's not your fault... Honey, don't blame yourself..." Blood ran down her chin as she talked, coughing up new fresh blood, again.
"Mom! No, you can make it! Don't leave me here!" I was leaning over her, holding tight on her wound on her chest.
"Please... Hana, never blame yourself.... Always smile, please... Don't be sad..." Her words faded away. More tears escaped my eyes.
"No, mom! Don't! No, no, no!" I sobbed. "No! You can't leave! You're gonna be fine! Please!" My vision blurred by the tears.

"Hana, Hana, Hana. Why couldn't you not just do as I told you? Huh?" His voice echoed in the room.
"You leaved me no choice. This would never had happened if you just did as you where told." His footsteps echoed and soon he was out from the shadows.
More fear rushed through my vanes.

I woke up screaming. Tears welled down my eyes. Cold sweat was plastered on my skin as I breathed hard.
The door opened and Sehun came running inside.
"Hana!" His voice full of concern.
"Oppa!" I cried out. He sat down on my bed and hugged me, comforting me.
"He's back! I-... He's back!-" I sobbed out in his arms.
He stroke my hair as he rocked me back and forth.
"It's okay, Hana. I will never let him touch you again! Not when I'm still alive. No one can touch my little sister!"

We sat in the kitchen, all of us. My hands where still shaking as I held the cup of warm tea.
"You have to listen to me! He's back." Sehun was talking to someone on the phone, I didn't know who, but he was clearly irritated.
"You okay?" Minseok asked me as he held my trembling hand.
I just wanted to cry out loud, telling him how scared I was. But I couldn't find the courage to open my mouth. A small tear fell down my right eye as I shook my head in a no.

Authors Pov.

That day there was a lot of fear in Hana's mind. On the way to the school everyone assured her that she was safe in school, that he wouldn't be there, and that it was a bodyguard that would look after her in there.
"I'm so sorry, but we have to go. Be safe Hana." Their manager said as they where by her school. She walked out of the van.
"Easy for you to say..." She muttered and walked through the school's gate.

"Class! Attention!" Hana's teacher, Mrs Lee shouted to get all attention on her.
"Today we have a new student!" She clapped her hands as she introduced the news for them.
"His name is Hong Jisoo." In that moment the boy walked inside, his hands holding the straps of the backpack he had on his back. He looked down as he walked up to the teacher, standing beside her. He fixed his glasses and looked up.

The whole world stood still for Hana. Their eyes met and a smile grew on his face. Hana's whole world collapsed in that moment.

Fear took over her mind, froze her in the spot she was. She couldn't do anything, not even blink.

"And as well as introduce the new student, let me introduce the new student-teacher." A young man walked into the room, making the girls squeal. A young man by the age of 20 and he was handsome in everybody's eyes.

"Should you introduce yourself?" Mrs Lee asks the young man. He looks up and meet eyes with Hana.

"My name is Choi Byunhyun. I'm your student teacher throughout the rest of your year." He smiled and the girls squealed even more.

Hana looked down at her mobile, realizing that she got a message from Sehun. "The one that's going to watch over you is Choi Byunhyun, your new student-teacher. Remember him?"
Hana smiled a little. "Yes, your old best friend, right?" She texted back.

She looked up at him and smiled a little. She will be safe with him.

After all, he's Sehun's old best friend, and her first love. He smiled back and Hana's heart skipped a beat.

"Okay, sush now girls. He is here to teach not be your boyfriend. Okay?" Mrs Lee said as she smiled to the girls.

"But we can still call oppa 'oppa'?" One of the girls asked, hoping that she would be able to call him oppa.

"It's not my decision." She looked at Byunhyun with a smile.

"Well, the only person I want to call me oppa is Hana." He said in a smile, making everyone turn their heads to Hana.

"What?! Why??" The girls whined.

"Because she's the only one I know. She's my best friends little sister." He smiled again as he looked at Hana, who where blushing now.
"Oppa..." She whispered as she looked at him. It had been a while since she called him that.

"Well, I thing Jisoo should go to his new seat so he don't have to stand here all day. Don't you think?" Mrs Lee said, changing the topic to school related. Saving Hana for the moment.

"Should you sit by Hana? That's the only free seat we have here." Mrs Lee said looking at Hana with sad eyes.

"I don't mind that." Jisoo said as he walked to the end of the class, towards Hana and his seat.

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