Tough life

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You can't see me crying

Because I've tried to hold my tears

Just to see you smile

*Hana's POV. *

I sat in my bed, biting my nails. It hadn't been that long since I got home from the police, and I probably would have gone back to the hospital; but I really wanted to be home. Somewhere I knew I could be safe.

I didn't listen to the rest of what Myungsoo had to say. I couldn't, it got too much for me. So I left, running back home. Chen was the only one home when I got here, and he knows that he's not the one that should comfort me when I'm having a hard time. He knew it too well.

I sank down into the soft material of the bed, my eyes still open as my thumb was between my lips; biting down onto it as my heart rose. I couldn't get the feeling away, the smile he had on his lips, the look in his eyes as he gazed right through the thick glass and into mine.
My hand circled over my stomach, slowly moving closer and closer to my flesh.

The brightness of the room suddenly turned dark as my head started to spin. I got nauseous and the pain in my stomach grew. I knew it was the pregnancy that made me feel like this. And I knew that I needed to get to the toilet before I threw up in the bed.

*Sehun's POV.*

"She sounds like she's sick." Chen said as I stepped inside the house. I couldn't believe that she went home instead of the hospital. She doesn't know of how to care for her body. Not now when that psycho has imprinted a mini him inside of her. I can't believe that they want us to wait until she can have an abortion on that thing. And now she's hurt! That thing is making her puke all over the house!

"God, sometimes I just wish that dad was here." I sighed to myself as I ran up the stairs and towards the puking sound that Hana made. I know I'm right when I say that nothing like this would have happen if dad was here. He wouldn't have let her go to school after that letter from Myungsoo. And if she hadn't gone to school, Jisoo wouldn't have told Myungsoo were she was, and that way he would have never gotten close to her. And she wouldn't be pregnant with his child.

*Hana's POV.*

It felt as if I had puked my guts out, I had no strength left and Sehun had to carry me to my bed. I felt really bad, since he had been so worried about me. And he went on with his small scolding about me not coming to back to the hospital, even though I promised that I would.
"I'm sorry that I ran here instead of the hospital, oppa." I said as my eyelids were barely open. I tried so hard to not fall asleep as he was standing next to me.
"I forgive you, but only this time." Sehun smiled as he pulled up the cover to under my chin.
"Sleep, you need it." I nodded as I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.

*Author's pov. *

Almost a week has gone by. Hana still refused to go back to school. She sometimes wouldn't even leave her room, and she wouldn't let anyone in. Everyone in the house got more worried that something bad is going to happen to her, and sometimes they got depressed that she wasn't willing to let them in. She wouldn't even eat, and that got them the most worried. Because they knew she loved eating, and when she didn't want to come out to eat, they felt as if she really hated life.

"Come on, Hana. You must get some food in your system." Chanyeol said as he desperately knocked on her door. He tried to open it, but it was locked from the inside. He didn't get an answer from her so he sighed.
"Please, Hana. Just, just let me in." He kept his eyes down, but he wouldn't let himself break down.

He heard small stepps coming from her room, and soon he faced Hana. He gasped as he saw her. Her hair was all over the place, her eyes were puffy and red. But the way she looked up at him, her puffy eyes made him want to hug and kiss her. Even though she looked sick, he embraced her. He closed the door and hugged her. He heard how she started to sob as she hugged him back.

"What am I going to do?" She sobbed as she looked up at him, tears running down her red cheeks.
"Sshh..." Chanyeol soothed her as he made her sit on her bed. "It's going to be fine, just remember that we will always be by your side. Me, Sehun and the rest are all on your side, by your side." He strokes some loose strands behind her ear. After he took her hands in his, smiling to assure her that he was right and that all is going to be okay. Hana couldn't utter a word, so she nodded. She tried to smile too, as she looked at him.

"But you need to eat." Chanyeol said as he looked at her. A small giggley gasp left her mouth as she nodded.
"And a shower." Chanyeol said as he smiled. Hana's smiley face faded as she started to hit his arm.
"Yah, oppa you're mean." She said as he took her hands again, preventing her from hitting him more.
"You've been in here for like a week. You need food and a shower. And if you're lucky I can join you." Chanyeol had a small smug on his face as Hana embracingly started to hit him again.

"Oppa!" She shouted as she hid her red face. "Stop playing with my heart." She said embarrassed.
"Only if you stop playing with mine." He smirked as he took her hands, making her look at him.
"You're still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He said as he gave her a small kiss.
"You're so cheesy, oppa." Hana said in a smile. But in fact she liked when he was like this. She felt how much he loved her when he was like this.

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