Why me?

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You can't do this to me.

All of the things you said are like a mask,

it hides the truth and rips me apart.


Today was the day I got to go home, and I was so happy to do that. First of all, I hated being in hospitals, and second; I didn't want to be in a hospital that Myungsoo got inside successfully. But most of all, being in the same room as where Myungsoo kissed me was a living nightmare. I was reminded of it all the time as I was in there. I felt horrible, being in there, always getting the reminder of his lips on mine.

"Knock, knock." I looked up to see Kyungsoo and Chanyeol standing by my door. I smiled at them as I lifted up my bag.
"Are you ready?" Kyungsoo asked as he and Chanyeol walked up to me. I smiled as I nodded. "Let me take that." Chanyeol said as he took the bag from my shoulder.
"Okay, let's go before he attacks you with kisses." Kyungsoo said as he took my arm and we ran away. I giggled as we ran, looking back at the smiling Chanyeol.

When we got to the hospital's main room we stopped. Chanyeol was only steps away from us and my jaw dropped as I looked out the glass doors.
"Um... Have you told anyone that you guys would be here?" I asked Kyungsoo who also looked surprised, but it was more like a scared surprised I may say.
"No... Only the others and our manager..." Chanyeol said as he looked down at Kyungsoo and me. "I don't understand. Why are there so many of them?" I looked out and saw paparazzi flashing their cameras on us, or all the people inside.
"I don't know. Maybe there's another star here?" Kyungsoo said as he took out his phone. "Checking on SNS to see if anything's up." I started to get scared, gripping onto Chanyeol's sweater. "Um... Guys...?" We looked at Kyungsoo who stood there looking down at his phone.
"There's no star here... But Hana... You're all over SNS..." I stared at him.
"What? Why?" I asked as I took his phone. I started to read one of the articles.
"Oh Hana, 19, sister to EXO's Oh Sehun has been hospitalized after fainting in school. Oh Hana's classmate, Hong Jisoo, brought her to the hospital. Hong Jisoo had been in prison for 2 years, after being a suspect of kidnapping Miss Hana and her mother 2 years ago." I took a long breath before reading the next few lines.
"But it have now been confirmed that it was his older brother, Hong Myungsoo, that had done that brutal thing. A witness has seen this Hong Myungsoo walking out of the hospital and we believe that he have been visiting young Hana. No further information has been confirmed by The CEO of SM Entertainment, where her brother is working, but we hope that she will be alright and that no one else will get hurt." This wasn't what I was expecting. Nothing like it at all... Why would I be in the center?
"Why would he go out with that information?" Kyungsoo asked as I gave him back his phone.

"Miss Hana!" The bright lights flashed in my face, the loud talking made my head hurt. "Miss Hana! Can you tell us about Myungsoo?" Another one shouted in my ear as she pushed up a mic in my face.
"Get out of the way!" Chanyeol and Kyungsoo tried their best to get me through the crowd without getting hurt. "What did he do when he visited you? Did he say anything?" Another one asked.
"Get away! Let her come through!" It wasn't Kyungsoo's or Chanyeol's voice. It was their manager's voice and I felt relieved. If there were anyone who could get me away from this crowd, it would be him. It was like he plowed them away, like they where snow that he had to plow away to get to his car. I still held Chanyeol's hand, looking down, afraid to do something wrong or that they would get to me.
We finally made it to the car and we all let out our breaths. I could still hear their yelling and the flashes of the cameras. It terrified me that Sehun, Chanyeol and the rest had to get through with it everyday.
"Wow... You've become popular Miss Hana." Their manager breathed out as he started to van. I didn't know if that as a good thing or a bad thing.
"Why would this even happen?" I asked, I could see how hands disappeared from the tanned glass.
"Isn't this your fault, Miss Hana?" I could see that he looked through the review mirror. "What? Her fault?" Chanyeol defended me. How could possibly this be my fault?
"You told Mr. CEO that you didn't have trust in him, since he didn't do anything when it all happened... And it's starting to happen now... So isn't it your fault?" I couldn't answer. Maybe it was right, maybe it was my fault. But why take up something that happened 2 years ago, when you didn't do something about it when it happened? Why now? Was it because I told him that he was useless? Was it because he wanted my trust? Why? Why now? After 2 years of me hating him, and he hasn't done anything until now to get my trust? Why?

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