Talking love relations

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Through the empty space, can my loud screams be heard? What's gonna happen when today is over?
Should I hope for better?

*Hana's Pov *

We walked home, hand in hand. Me and Chanyeol. It was awkward and silent but it felt right.
"So, you don't remember anything from the accident? Not at all?" Chanyeol asks as we was walking on our street. I looked up at him as I shake my head in a "no".
"Sorry... I don't even know why I'm asking..." He shook his head as we kept walking.
"N-no... It's okay... I don't remember everything... But I have nightmares about what happened... And I-it's all changing... Fist I thought it was Jisoo who was the one torturing me... But then it changed to an old man and now... Someone else... I-I don't even know who it is..." We walked closer to our fence.

"Someone you don't know?" Chanyeol asked as he opened the gate for me. I nod.
"Yeah, it's weird. It's like I've seen his face before, and yet I don't recognize him... He... He had this tone I recognized... Like that letter I got... He talked like that..." Chanyeol's grip around my hand got stronger.
"What if you where right... What if it was another one... Someone that no one knew about... And what if it was him who sent the letter..." I looked up at him and noticed his worried look. His jaw was clenched, what if he was right. What if that person was after me again... He said it in the letter, and what if it wasn't Jisoo who sent that letter?
"B-but it was wrote to be Jisoo... It said that being in prison can change someone..." We stood on the porch. He looked me in the eye.
"He could have wrote it so everyone would think it was Jisoo... So he-." Chanyeol stopped and looked around.
"W-what? D-did you hear something? Is anyone there?" I ask him, scared to death that it would be someone there, listening to us, observing us. Planning to murder us.
"We shouldn't talk this here..." Chanyeol opened the door and we walked inside.

"Oh, you're back." Chen said as he had a towel on his head, probably just showered. For some reason they like to shower at home after their late practice/exercise/schedule.
"What's wrong?" He asked as he neared me. W-what? Did he see through me? Did he sense that I was scared?
"W-what?" He stepped closer. His gaze went from me to Chanyeol, back to me again.
"Did he take advantage of you?" He asked and I started to blush, remembering the kiss from before. "He did... Chanyeol, man. She's just a kid. What did you do?" Chanyeol blushed as he looked down.
"I-.. We... Um... K-...kissed..." Chanyeol stammered and it only made me blush more. Did he really have to tell Chen?
"You kissed her?!" Chen asked, rather loud. I slammed my hand over his mouth, maybe to hard, to make him shut up.
"Ssshh! Please! I don't want Sehun to hear it! He would freak out, especially when he hear what happened before Chanyeol came."
"What do you not want me to hear? And what happened before Chanyeol came?" I looked back, where my brother was standing, besides Chanyeol.
"Let Chen go." He ordered and I let go of him.

"They kissed!" Chen shout before running away. "Yah! Aish." I held my fist in the air after Chen. Sehun cleared his throat and my attention went back to him.
"So... You kissed? And before that?" I looked down, wanting Chanyeol to help me. But he just stood there, smiling. What was he smiling for? Help me!
"I... I kind of, almost, got... You know... But Chanyeol got there in time and saved me... So I never got... You know.... And then w-we k-kissed... Agh! It's so embarrassing saying it out loud!" I could hear how they tried to muffle his laughs.
"Y-yah! I-it's not funny..." I said, blushing like a crazy man.

"Hana-ya. You're so cute when you talk love relations. It's just so funny to see!" Sehun laughed together with Chanyeol. They where laughing at me.
"Y-yah! S-stop! Stop laughing." I cover my face in embarrassment. I really couldn't talk about love relations... I get all flustered and stuff. That's why I can't say what the men tried to do, it was to embarrassing to me. And scary.

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