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I got ice in my veins, blood in my eyes. Hate in my heart, love in my mind

* Hana's Pov. *

I walked out of the bathroom, my phone in my hand as I pulled out my ponytail, letting it loose out and hoping it will dry. I wont say the name of the one who made my hair wet, but I'm pretty sure you know...

As I did it I accidentally bump into someone. I immediately bow, saying sorry.
I look up to see a girl's grumpy face, or more like a bitch face to me... She walked away after shooting me those ugly faces. She didn't even say sorry! Wow! Was she new here, or what? Did she not know who I was!? I'm Oh Hana! If I see you again be sure that I will-

"Hana! Are you coming?" I was cut off in my thinking, throwing shit on the girl's back in my head, by Tao.
I looked his way, and smiled as I saw all for of them where standing by the door, waiting for me. I nodded and took a last glare at my back, the direction the girl went in, before I jog up to them. I put on my sweetest smile to impress Hoya and Dongwoo, since they said I was pretty I have to act like I know it.

"I'm here! Missed me?" I asked as I blinked many times trying to act cute.

"Not even a bit! I was glad you leaved!" I shoot him a glare. Wow, brothers can indeed be annoying! Didn't he see that I was trying to be nice here, since Hoya was here?!

"Yah, Sehun-ah! Don't lie. We all heard you where pretty upset and worried that she didn't come back after three seconds!" Dongwoo laughed together with Hoya and Tao, leaving Sehun embarrassed and violent, trying to punch Dongwoo for speaking.

"Yah! Do you want to die!?" Sehun shouted in a threatening voice. I walked up to him and took him by his ear, hard, making him stop and start yelp.

"Yah, Sehun-ah! Don't talk like that to your Hyung! He is older than you!" I said pinching harder onto his ear.

"Hana-ya, I'm older than you!" Sehun shouted as he got away from my grip.
"Like I care!" I said as I walked to the building's main door.

"Oppa, can I take a picture with you?" I asked as we sat in the car. I sat in the middle, Sehun in the front, Hoya and Dongwoo at both my sides, and lastly Tao in the back, asleep as usual.

Both Hoya and Dongwoo look at me, smiling and nod. I was so happy as I took out my phone and they both leaned in closer me. I could hear my heart fly out, touching the inside of my chest, and slam back to it's rightful place again. And it didn't stop, it only did it over and over again!

I held my phone ready to take the photo, and when I click I can feel two soft lips on each of my cheeks!

They both gave me a peck on the cheek, and while I took a picture! OMG! I think I'm gonna faint! I can't believe that Hoya, THE HOYA, kissed my cheek!!!!! I'm the luckiest girl on earth! KYAAAH~!

*No-ones Pov. *

The ride was quiet. Hana thought it was to quiet, she didn't want anyone hear her heart beats. She was red like a tomato in the face and she felt her head spin. She felt hot as she kept fanning herself with her hands.

While she was sitting between the two boys from the other band, her brother and his friend glared at them. Fire in their eyes, as they saw the smirks on their faces.

"Guys we are home!" Tao shouted as they opened the door to the mansion like house. Small sounds was heard as they walked to the kitchen seeing the others sitting around the table.
"What's happening?" Hana walked into the kitchen last. At the sound of her voice, the guys turned around to look at her.

"You're home?" Suho said as he walked up to her, like nothing had happened but you could clearly sense that the air was thick. Chanyeol took the letter behind his back as he walked away.

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