A promise

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Don't respect someone for making a promise. Respect them for keeping it.

Author's Pov.

The bandanna was bound tightly around her head. She couldn't feel how hard it was bound, since she was unconscious. A voice could be heard on the other end of the line. Her kidnapped was talking to someone.
"You have one hour." The voice was dark and no one could even hear who it belonged to.
"Don't hurt her!" The woman's voice was shaking as she talked into her phone. Soon the voices disappeared into silence as a boy stroke the girl's hair.
"I'm sorry..." His words wasn't more than a whisper.


The girl woke up, seeing nothing but black. The throbbing feeling from the bandanna began to set through her body. A small whimper could be heard from her as she tried to take move. Her wrists where bound at her back to prevent her from using them.


"But you have to do something! They have my daughter!" The young woman stood besides a police by the station. The man sighed as he looked at her.
"Madam, I'm sorry but we have no proof that they took her." Anger started build up inside of her small body.
"If you don't do anything, I will!" She shouted at the police as she stormed out the station and out on the road.

Not so long after her phone rang.
"So, Miss Oh. You miss Hana already?" The dark voice was heard on the line. Her steps stopped as her eyes started to water with tears.
"Give her back!" She cried out.
"Only if you give me what I want. Maybe not even after that." She could hear his laugh and she cringed.
"Fine... What do you want?" She could feel her tears fall down her cheeks as she spoke to the man.


The door opened and the girl felt uneasy as she heard footsteps approach her. Soon her blindfold was taken off.
"You know who we are?" The dark voice asked her and she could still feel her resent tears stick on her cheeks. She sobbed and looked down, managing to shake her head in a no.
"Your mother know. She never told you about me, did she?" The dark voice said as he bend down to her body, that was half lying half sitting on the cold floor, he took her by her hair. He pulled her so she would look at him, making her squeal out in pain.
"Look at me." His voice scared the girl and she opened her swollen eyes as tears filled them.
"You're kind of cute. You're like a mini copy of your mother." He said as he was to touch her chin, but she moved away from his touch. He shot her a glare that could kill her right then and there. The man lifted his hand, as if he was going to hit her, but stopped when the door opened and a girl came inside.
"Appa. Who is that unnie?" Her voice was soft and somewhat scary. Her eyes glowed in the dark as two lasers.
"No one sweety. Go back to your brother." The man ordered the young girl and she jumped out from the room, swinging her arms back and forth in the process. The man smirked as he walked out the room followed by his own two body guards.

Blood was on her hands as she looked at her mother.
"Don't blame anyone... don't blame yourself... Please... be good to him..." Her voice faded away.
"Hana. You don't know how much I wanted to see you." He hugged her as she breathed heavily.

"I'm...-Mom... I-. Jisoo... what-...." She couldn't finish her sentence as she cried out in the boy's arms.
"Shh. You're gonna be fine." He stroke her back as she cried out her fears.
"I'm here... I'll get you out..." His voice was only a foggy imagination as she fell back, and everything went black.


"Here. This is what you want. Now let my daughter go!" Mrs Oh's voice was sharp but shaky.
"Oh honey... It's not that easy you know." The man laughed as he looked at her.
She caught sight of a young boy, who she recognized.
"Jisoo, take this lady to the storage room..." The man said as he pushed forward his son.

"You're Jisoo, right? You have to save her. You have to save my Hana." She whispered to the young boy as he led her to the storage room where two guards stood, waiting for someone to beat up, by their looks.
She looked back at the boy as she was pushed into the room by the guards. She saw how he give a small nod. She heaved a sigh as she smiled a nervous smile. She knew what was heading for her. She had to do anything to protect her daughter.
"M-mom?" Her voice sent shivers down Mrs Oh's spine. She turned around to see her daughter in the dark corner, bags under her eyes that was in a deep purple color. Her face was swollen and red from all her crying. Her hands where still tied behind her back.
"Hana, it's gonna be alright. Jisoo is gonna get you out." She ran up to her daughter to get her out from those ropes around her wrists. The girl tightly hugged her mother as soon the ropes was off of her wrists.


Jisoo ran out the room together with the girl in his arms. As soon as he was outside the door he could see the sirens of police cars and ambulances blink.
"Kid! Let the girl go!" On of the polices shouted as he held a gun towards them. "
"NO! She needs aid! Mrs Oh too! She's in there!" He shouts as he runs to one of the ambulance cars.
"Hong Jisoo! Stay where you are. Where are your family? Your father?" One man asked, one who didn't run inside to get Mrs Oh.
"I don't know... But I will take all charges. I did this to them..." His eyes where full of tears as he looked at the unconscious Hana.
"Don't say that... We will find them and get you out from this situation." He said as he took out his phone to call someone.
"No, I made a promise to Mrs Oh. I'm going to take all the blame and protect Hana." He said as he bend down to give her unconscious body a peck on her lips.

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