My Lord Velaryon

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I laid in my warm bed my body at times slithering among the black and red silks and satins of the sheets, I did my best, trying to cling to the land of sleep for just a few moments more, but the hustle and bustle already going on in Dragonstone ha...

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I laid in my warm bed my body at times slithering among the black and red silks and satins of the sheets, I did my best, trying to cling to the land of sleep for just a few moments more, but the hustle and bustle already going on in Dragonstone had forced me to be at least half awake. The sounds of feet on the dark stone on all levels of the castle, the rush of the sea on the stones, the fire crackling away in its place and the dragons gliding around the castle towers. But I did my best to try and cling to sleep in my bed stroking my fingers across the sheets, I heard the sound of a door and footsteps but I just tried to bundle myself closer trying to avoid whatever and whomever it was,

"Good Morning My Lord Velaryon," her delicate voice speaks up,

I turned over and opened my eyes to see the owner of that sweet voice, she stood by the end of the bed in her soft grey dress, a chain necklace around her neck. Her hair was in a braid down her back and her hands were in front of her stomach with her cheery gentle smile.

"Good Morning, Y/n." I yawned sitting up with a few blinks and stretches trying to wake myself up,

"Good morning," She gleamed, "your mother has requested your attendance at the meeting this morning around the painted table, and the blacksmith is coming by after the meeting to fit you into your new armour," she explained with her usual warm smile,

I groaned and laid my head back on the pillow, "Do I have to?" I pouted,

"I'm afraid so, My lord Velaryon,"

"Can't I get out of it at all?"

"Would you like some breakfast or a bath first this morning?" She smiled not letting me get away with my whining,

I put the pillow over my head, "I'm not hungry you know I can't eat this early."

"Well, you can have a bath and then eat," she smiled taking the pillow away so i was forced to look at her,

"I'm not interested in a bath this morning," I pouted,

"I know, but given your mother's meeting... Would a bath not be wise Jasaerys?" She smiled in her usual encouraging way as she sat on my bed,

"Fine. I'm just not going to enjoy it."

"I shall do my best to make sure you do," she giggled patting my fluffy bedhead of hair before she hopped out of bed and offered her arm,

For a moment I playfully rolled my eyes, I don't want a bath but I know I don't have a way out of it. I pushed my covers back and took her arm she led me down to the springs so I had no way out of it and she stood preparing one of the hot spring pools for me, the place empty this early. Once the bath was ready, she then smiled and slowly came to me, I held my breath as she stripped off the few of my clothes I'd worn to sleep, doing her best not to look even after all this time. It made me blush a little that she's still so shy watching those sweet Y/e/c eyes as she unlaces my clothes, once I was completely naked blush flooded her cheeks before she moved away, I climbed into the bath mostly to conceal myself. The water was hot and sweet-scented and admittedly it was relaxing.

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