Dragon Blood

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Jacaerys walked the Winterfell halls with Y/n Stark beside him, arrangements had been made and there was no escaping them. For the Pact of Ice and Fire, they would have to wed, Jacaerys was excited but nervous all the same as they walked together. His eyes lingered on her Stark grey dress, the fur that lines her shoulders, the way her hair falls perfectly. He clears his throat before he finally speaks.

"My Lady, if we are to go through with this, I would like to give you proper courtship. Would you allow me to court you for the remainder of my stay at Winterfell?"

"I'd be delighted Prince Jacaerys," She smiled,

Jacaerys felt relief when he heard her accept this condition from him. She had been very accepting so far which he supposed was due to the importance of this pact. As they walked the corridors chatting and getting to know one another arm in arm he felt in heaven as he walked alongside Y/n once they were both alone. Their footsteps echoed through the halls, and for the first time in quite a while, he felt truly happy.

"My Lady, may I ask a question of you?" He whispered as they walked in silence.

"of course Prince Jacaerys," she cooed squeezing his arm,

He cleared his throat again, "My Lady, I have been so focused on trying to get Lord Stark to accept our pact, that I have yet to ask you about yourself. What do you like to do for fun, my Lady?"

"Oh," she blushed "well I like to read, to write, to sew. What about yourself Prince Jacaerys?"

"I love reading and sparring, my Lady. It's a shame it's considered impudent for me to take up something like sewing, though I would like to learn if you're willing to teach me."

"I'd be happy to teach you to sew, and I'm sure there are many things you could teach me in return"

"Well, I can teach you some sparing moves or even some high valerian," He glanced at her, "only if you'd like to learn these things, my Lady."

"I'd like to. I'm sure you could teach me about sparing, valerian, perhaps even dragon riding one day if you wanted to of course I will not impose"

"My Lady, if you are genuinely interested, I would be overjoyed to teach you all those things."

"I would like to learn but I shall not push if you do not wish for your lady to know such things I understand" She nodded "I understand your blood is what gives you the capability to ride a dragon and I understand it is something I shall never have, not fully understand"

"My Lady, you are correct, Dragons require that blood to truly understand them on such levels." He hesitated, "But I have heard talkies of non-Targaryen's who bond with a dragon, though..."

"oh, how is that?"

"Gaining trust takes great time but I have heard it can be done." He nodded, "But I'm sure Vermax will learn to love you as I will,"

"I hope so," she smiled, "And of course, we can hope for dragons for our children,"

"Yes, of course, young dragon riders." He cooed,

"May I ask?"

"Yes, my lady?"

"I do not know how it came to be that families of Valeria can ride dragons?"

He took another deep breath and finally spoke. "Well... My mother has always told me, that...the old valerians shared something more intimate when bonding so that the Dragon would know his rider was devoted to them more than anything. If the bond was to be permanent, then the two of them were to..." Jacaerys's heart beat faster and faster the longer he spoke. This was the last thing he wanted Y/n to hear, but he knew it was part of his Valyrian blood, a part of his history. He took another deep breath before he finally spoke the words that he feared he would have to say. " it is said that they shared intimate relations, so the Dragon knows the rider is committed. And they bred with their dragons which is... supposedly where the dragon blood comes from and That's what makes us capable of commanding them."

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