The Snow

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Jacaerys did his best not to make a show of his arrival but such was hard to do, he circled over Winterfell on Vermax and landed in some cleared snow. He climbed down and adjusted himself slightly before entering the courtyard of Winterfell where the Stark family and their staff met him to welcome him as their guest. Cregan Stark welcomed him in thick clothes and furs with Ice in hand,

"My Lord Jacaerys Velaryon," He bowed,

"My Lord Cregan Stark," Jacaerys returned even if he felt the need to wrap his cloak around him to protect himself from the fluttering snow,

"We had expected you somewhat earlier?"

"Yes, forgive me. The flight from the eyrie was longer than I expected, and Vermax is not used to flight through snow-ladened clouds,"

"Understandable, but the hour is far late for business. We will meet tomorrow at first light to discuss matters,"

"Yes of course my lord,"

"If I may, introduce my sister, Y/n,"

Jacaerys attention turned to the woman beside Lord Cregan Stark,

Y/n giggled to herself slightly seeming to be rather fascinated by the man before her, she wore a gown of a deep grey with silver threat embroidery across the fabric, and she stood without furs, jackets and cloak to mention. Her hair allowed to flutter down with silver beads woven into her braided hair,

"My Lord Velaryon," she curtsied almost low enough for her knees to reach the snow,

Jacaerys was taken back a moment, he found her beyond beautiful. Surprised such a beauty would be locked away so far north, he did his best to be gentlemanly even if his eyes were drawn to her bosom as her dress had a low neckline that exposed the top of her icy pale skin to the snow and of course his eyes. He tried not to think of her cleavage but he did his best not to gawk even if he wanted to see what lay beneath the silver-threaded gown.

"My lady Y/n, I must admit... your beauty is quite impressive, I have not known ladies in Westeros that can match your beauty I assure you," He said with confidence,

"Why thank you My lord Velaryon, you are very sweet. I had heard tales of your handsomeness but I admit not of your kindness," She smiled,

"Take care of our guest sweet sister," Lord Cregan Stark told her before he and his men headed inside to avoid the snow, leaving the two alone in the courtyard,

"I imagine you must be weary after your long flight, would you like me to take you to the chambers you shall be staying in for your visit with us?"

"Indeed, it was a long trip." I nodded, "I admit It was tiring, and I would love nothing more than for you to be my guide through this ancient place,"

"Of course," she smiled offering her arm,

He happily took it and walked with her through the courtyard, "I think I'd be quite lost without you my lady Stark,"

"Snow actually,"

"Oh? Forgive me I-"

"It's alright," she smiled, "Cregan thinks of me as full kin even if it isn't true,"

"I see, that's very kind of him,"

"It is, Have you ever been so far north my lord Velaryon?"

"No, I have not ever been this far north my lady, but I have heard the tales, of the endless snow storms, the fierce winds, and the people being made of steel and ice. I am curious to see it with my own eyes in my time here,"

"I think it is true what they say," She chuckled, "That northern men are built of ice and snow with a centre of steel. Often when Southern men come they tend to shiver," she explained,

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