Heat of The Water

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Jacaerys walks the halls of Dragonstone the sounds of the wind, stormy sea and rain battering the walls and windows

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Jacaerys walks the halls of Dragonstone the sounds of the wind, stormy sea and rain battering the walls and windows. Most had taken to bed for the evening to wait out the storm beside their fires but Jacaerys had been lingering in the dark alone in his room for so long his mind was turning to mush, he didn't want to disturb his mother and stepfather, not his brother's, so took a walk instead though the corridors towards the chambers of his betrothal Y/n, for hope he may perhaps get to wait out the storm beside her, perhaps comfort her and maybe even get a kiss if he was lucky

Jacaerys opened the door to Y/n's chambers and walked in, shutting it behind him. He had not realized how much he had wanted the company of his betrothed until now, and when he saw the way the wind was still lashing at the walls of the castle, he was glad he had joined her. He stood there in the dimly lit room for a moment, taking in the beauty of the sight before him. He then spoke quietly to her.

Jacaerys walks through her chamber seeing everything so warm and cosy for her, she had only been here a few months but she was getting very comfortable here on Dragonstone, at first he can't see her so moves deeper inside until he perks up hearing he gentle humming coming from behind a wooden screen

Jacaerys' pace slowed down as he heard the humming, his footsteps falling more quietly as he approached the source of the sound. He peered around the screen to see Y/n humming softly to herself, seemingly oblivious to his presence. He was struck by her beauty and felt incredibly drawn to her, his affection for her growing with each passing day. He couldn't help but smile to himself as he watched her for a moment, before finally letting her know he was there.

Y/n sits in the corner of her chamber, the wooden screen blocks her from the rest of the room, candlelight all that lit her, the sound of the storm still raging outside, Y/ns body sits inside a carved stone bathtub filled with hot steaming water her body concealed below, her hair pinned up to keep them from the water, she hummed to herself as she bathed unaware he was there

Jacaerys was immediately enraptured by the sight of Y/n, her pale body encased in a steaming bath as she hummed to herself quietly. Seeing her like this brought out all the emotions he had been holding in since he had first met her, and he found himself wanting to be closer to her than ever before. He took a few tentative steps into the room, careful not to make too much noise and break the peaceful atmosphere. When he was close enough, he slowly pulled the screen aside, allowing him to see her fully.

his face flushed with excitement as he finally caught a glimpse of her bare body beneath the steaming water, her pale skin glowing softly in the candlelight. He was mesmerized by her beauty and found himself wanting to reach out to touch her, feeling overcome with desire. His eyes travelled the length of her form and back again, lingering on the curve of her hips and the shape of her breasts as he struggled to maintain his composure. He had never felt so attracted to anyone before in his life.

Jacaerys' heart was pounding as he stared at her beautiful body, his hands trembling with anticipation. He wanted to touch her, to kiss her in the heat of the moment, to take her right there on the ground. He took a step closer to her until he was just a few inches away from her, his mind hazy with desire. But then he snapped back to reality and felt a sudden rush of guilt. He was betrothed to this girl, but those feelings had been swept away in the heat of the moment. He took a deep breath to clear his head.

she continued to hum and gently wash herself without much of a care in the world without noticing he had arrived

Jacaerys tried to maintain some degree of self-control as he watched her continue to wash, feeling his heart pound in his chest every time she caressed her body. This was not how he intended things to be going, but the sight of her perfect body was enough to send his desires spiralling out of control. He had to find some way to get back on track, to keep his mind focused on what was important. He cleared his throat softly, trying to get her attention.

she heard him so she turned and a smile grew across her lips, she crossed her arms over her chest her hands on each shoulder but not Inna scared away like she was gripping in fear more than just a gentle protective movement "ohh Jace, I didn't hear you come in sweet boy."

Jacaerys sighed and let out a deep breath as he saw her gentle, reassuring gesture, feeling his cheeks flush as he looked at her face. The sight of her beauty never failed to catch him off guard, and her soft voice had a calming effect on him, allowing his heart to race.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you. I, uh...I was just hoping to get some company while the storm rages."

"It's alright no trouble at all, I'm always delighted to have you visit me, is it the storm perhaps that bothers you?"

Jace laughed softly as he remembered his original plan to seek the comfort of his betrothed during the storm. "Aye, the storm is worrying me, but my mind seemed to have wandered off in the wrong direction when I saw you here," he admitted. It wasn't an entire lie, for the storm did worry him, but the sight of her in the bath had taken his mind to places he shouldn't have gone.

she giggled "I'm sure it probably did, well I like to take a hot bath on a stormy day" she smiled shifting a little in the bathtub to be closer to him leaning her chin on the rim "You'd be welcome to join me if you wanted"

Jace blushed again, but his heart jumped up into his throat with excitement as she offered to let him join her in the bath. The desire he had felt before came rushing back even more intensely now, and he had no intention of resisting."I would love to, I think it would feel good to get out of these cold, wet clothes and... into something a little bit warmer," he murmured, his tone suggestive.

"well you're very welcome to join me if you wish Jace, I'm sure there is plenty of room for you, but I worry perhaps my bath might not be hot enough for a dragon-like Targaryen velaryon like yourself" She giggled again and moved to sit up on her knees so the water level was only at her waist her hands cup her chest leaving her palms all that concealed them

Jace's eyes widened at the invitation to join her in the bath, his excitement growing with each passing second. He had always wished to be closer to her and to have her offering to share her intimate time and space was too good to pass up, the thought of bathing together was enough to raise his cheeks in heat. "I'd be honoured to join you," he murmured, walking toward her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

she giggled and made space for him in her bath sitting and waiting with a wide excited smile...

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