In The Eyrie

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Jacaerys felt his heart racing the moment he left Dragonstone. He was to offer his hand to the daughter of Lady Arryn of the Vale. As per his mother's demands. He and Vermax took to the sky flying through an autumn storm to the Eyrie. He lands in the courtyard and as he gets off Vemrax's back. He sees a man with intricate blue armour with the sigil for House Arryn, he looks around expecting Lady Arryn to meet him but he only notices a woman from the balcony above.

"Prince Jacaerys Velaryon I take it?" The guard,

"Yes," Jacaerys answers,

"the lady of the Vale has been expecting you. Come." He demanded as he led Jacaerys through the castle to the grand throne room, where the stone seat sat and the moon door opened to see the harsh drop to her world below, a woman in a light blue dress with dark brown braids sat on the throne the lady Jeyne Arryn, she looked down at him expecting him to speak. He approached the throne and bowed before her.

"My lady... May I say your title has maiden of the Vale seems an earned one, you are as beautiful as tales had said."

"You can halt your compliments, dear boy. I know why you are here. Your mother Rhaenyra offers your hand to wed my daughter. In turn our support in her war against her half brother the King Aegon Targaryen," Jeyne spoke,

Jacaerys feels his heart sink within his chest in disappointment as she mentions the war, He nods respectfully as she knows the true reason why he was sent here. "I must speak truthfully my lady, but this alliance was not my choice."

"alliances never are. If you wish to be king someday you will have to come to terms with that." She said, "What do you offer as a suitor for my daughter?"

Jace nods as he knows what he must say, though the words are like poison to him. He will do whatever it takes to ensure his mother's demands, "My mother has instructed me to offer a dowry of 500 gold dragons to be paid to House Arryn upon my wedding day. There is also an alliance offered in the form of the loyalty of House Targaryen and all her allies in the war against the usurper,"

"A generous offer, but I asked not what your mother offered. I ask what you offer, what will you supply my daughter with as her husband?"

He was taken aback for a moment by her words but dug deep to find some sweet things to say, "I will offer her a life filled with love and happiness. I will show her the beauty and the excitement of the world. I will treat her with the respect that she deserves. I will show her the joy and passion that a marriage can provide."

"Would you swear before all in this realm to hold my daughter as your only bride? Never to take another. Never to father bastards. And to place her by your side as your queen?"

"I swear before all in this realm to hold your daughter as my only bride. I shall never take another. I shall never father bastards. I shall place her at my side as my queen. This I swear with all of my heart before the Gods."

"Even if my daughter is not of your choosing?"

Jace knew this question was coming, it was not of his choosing but his duty to marry. He looked up to the lady Jeyne and nodded. "Yes. I would honour this arrangement even if I had the choice. My heart may not lie with her but my duty is. I promise you that no matter who my heart yearns for, my duty comes first."

"even if she may not be... To your tastes? You will do your duty to her?"

Jace's face would shift to a slight frown at her words. He had to admit, she was not what his heart yearned for. Yet what she said was true, it was his duty to obey. Not only would he make his mother happy but the Vale would stand behind Rhaenyra. He felt as though she was looking at his inside and reading his mind he felt a slight heat rise over his face for a moment as he nodded. "Yes, my lady. I will do my duty by her, and I will never dishonour her."

"Then it is agreed." She nodded "Arise. Son-in-law."

Jace nodded as he got to his feet.

"We will aid in this war to come, my only request is that no green dragons are to harm the vale or the Eyrie and we will demand a dragon here to defend us."

"I- I am sure that can be arranged,"

"Good, you are welcome to stay Prince Jacaerys,"

"I thank you for your hospitality, my lady. How long shall I stay in the Vale?"

"you may stay as long as you wish, Your dragon to is welcome. The storm that lingers now will be a week at least I suggest you use that time to become understanding with your wife to"

Jace couldn't help the small smile that grew upon his lips as he realised he would have some time with the lady he was to marry. He couldn't help but wonder what the woman would be like that he would spend the rest of his life with. "I will be certain of that, my lady."

"Lord Skyee, take Prince Jacaerys to her chambers and allow him to meet whom he had agreed his life to," the lady told one of her men,

"Yes my lady," the guard nodded,

Jace was not given time to reply as she commanded her guard to take him to his betrothed. 

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