In The Eyrie P3

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She led them to the fire where a char and sofa sat, she took a teapot and began to pour them each a cup of tea Jacaerys would notice how she settled herself apart from him, as to give herself the space she needed. He took his seat on the sofa and smiled. She was cautious, and he admired that quality in her as she served him tea. He would take a sip as he looked at her.

"My lady, may I ask for your name? My dear, I was never provided with it during our introduction."

"Sharra, Sharra Ayrrn," she answered

"Oh, Sharra is a beautiful name," Jace said a genuine smile and a soft nod. He was finding himself more at ease as he spoke with the girl. It felt as if he was speaking with an old friend though he knew her for only a day. "My lady, may I ask you some questions? Only if you are comfortable answering of course."

she nodded sheepishly,

"Have you ever been loved before?" He asked her. He was curious as he thought about her words earlier to him about her appearance. She seemed too self-conscious, he hoped she had some experience. Her answer would determine how he approached certain subjects with her in the future.

"no, most do not stay long enough for me to grow attached to them" she explained sipping her tea to fill the silence, "the ones that do only stay to tease me... I thought I was in love once, but he was only giving me compliments to be cruel"

Jace's heart would sink when he heard her answer. She had not been loved before, at least not truly. He could hear the disappointment in her voice and could not help but feel as though he understood. His eyes widened as he took his sip of tea and continued to try and get to the root of her issues. He couldn't let her think she was unwanted. "May I ask how he was cruel to you?"

"every year my family holds a harvest ball, to celebrate the sweet weather. He came to the ball and asked me to dance, he paid me sweet compliments and ... made me feel pretty, he proposed that night and said he marry me in the morning... So I went with him, only to wake up covered in mud. He threw me in a pigstie told me his proposal was just him buying another piglet." She explained fighting back tears

Jace's mouth would drop open. He felt his heart sink to his stomach as he listened to the girl's words. To think that someone would hurt her like that was heartbreaking. He could feel himself becoming irate. He wanted to find this man and end him himself. After a few moments, he took her hand. It was soft and delicate, he had to be gentle with her. "And your family allowed this to happen?"

"They didn't know his intentions, they were just happy to sell me off. I have had many suitors visit none last longer than an hour... Forgive me if I have rather given up on love as a concept completely,"

The anger in him was building as he heard what she said, what her family allowed her to be exploited in such a way. She didn't trust others easily and her body was filled with scars of an emotional nature. He realized she had built walls around herself to shield herself from the pain. His eyes looked at her hand as he softly kissed it. "You have no need to apologize. Your fears, your trust, are all valid. I will not try to win your heart in a day or a week, I have time if you will allow me."

"... I... I would like to hope, but I find it hard to imagine you staying. You are a prince, heir to the throne. Any daughter if any noble house would fight for your hand, you should not give it to me so willingly"

Jace's heart hurt for her, she thought he would abandon her just like the rest. He could not stand to see her hurt any longer, even if he was here for politics he... wanted her to feel like he wasn't, after all he had the rest of his life with her, "My dear Sharra I would give all the kingdoms in the world away if it meant I could keep you by my side. I do not desire the political gain by marrying some lord's daughter, I desire the warmth and compassion which you offer. Do you understand? I could have any woman in Westeros. Yet I would choose you. You are the only one I wish for."

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