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Jacaerys sat in his chambers deep within Dragonstone, a storm hung over the castle, rain battering every high window, Jace sat by the fire with a cup of wine

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Jacaerys sat in his chambers deep within Dragonstone, a storm hung over the castle, rain battering every high window, Jace sat by the fire with a cup of wine. Tomorrow he will be married. He felt so strange about it but he knew he must do his duty. He took his time contemplating the life he was to have, to one day be king with a queen by his side, heirs of his own. All of it began to feel so horrid in his heart. A knock came upon the door of Jacaerys' chambers, an unexpected one. "Come in!" He calls unsure whom he could expect,

The door opened to Y/n one of the castle maids, she was often the maid he found himself closest with, he did find her very beautiful and kind but he forced such thoughts away as he knew his fate in the morning, she held a flagon of wine in her hand as she came into his chambers, "I hope I am no disturbing you, prince Jacaerys,"

"No, not even in the slightest." He smiled gently as his eyes fixated upon her face. "What brings you here tonight?"

She came over and set the flag on the table "I wanted to deliver you a fine wine from the kitchens, Prince Jacaerys, I'm sure tonight weighs on your mind..." She said pouring him a goblet,

His hand grasped the goblet and slowly lifted it to his lips, the sweet and fruity taste of the vintage red wine washing over his tongue. He swallowed slowly, keeping his eyes fixed on the maid. "Thank you, Sweet Y/n..." he smiled even if he wanted to say more. The name rolled easily off his lips in a honeyed whisper, though his eyes remained fixed on hers. A smile curled at the corner of his mouth.

she blushed "You're welcome, Prince Jacaerys,"

His eyes fell from hers and to her dress. It hugged her waist as it fell to her ankles, her body on full display to his eyes. She was a lovely maid, no doubt. And she was here. in his privy chambers... A small mischievous smile curled at the corner of his mouth, his fingers brushing past hers, as he took another sip of his wine.

She moved slightly fiddling with her nails as she spoke up again "Forgive me Prince Jacaerys, but I... I must admit... I did have a motivation for visiting you and bringing the wine this evening"

His mouth parted slightly at her confession. His eyes flickered from her hands to her mouth, then back up to her eyes once more. "And what is this motivation, sweet Y/n?" He took another sip of wine as she spoke, the red liquid filling his mouth once more as he waited for her to answer.

She held her breath her eyes on the floor before finally meeting his, she waited for him to take the goblet from his lips and swallow the wine and as soon as he did she said,


She closed the gap between them resting her hands on his doublet and pressing her soft lips to his, His eyes widened slightly as she closed the gap with a kiss, and his hand instinctively dropped the goblet and moved to cup her chin as she pressed her lips to his. Seven Hells... he thought, their bodies close enough for him to feel the curves of her breasts against his chest, her breath warm on his face. Eventually, he pulled back from the kiss, his eyes searching hers before falling back down to her mouth. She turned bright red her fingers gripping his doublet as she looked at his eyes

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